16 Key Web Page SEO Factors That Increase Website Traffic

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  • Reading Time 7-Minute Read

Do you need more website traffic? Focusing on key web page SEO factors will drive more human visitors and search engine traffic to your website.

How to Create Engaging Content for Search Engines and Human Visitors

By now, you are most likely doing at least some sort of SEO on your business website. And of course, you want to make your business website attractive for both human visitors and search engines. Most business owners focus too much on one or the other and end up alienating both search engines and visitors. Instead, you should implement these key web page SEO factors that both search engines and humans love.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first. Wendy Piersall – Goodreads

By adding these key web page SEO factors, you achieve two important goals for your business website. Search engines like Google and Bing will use them to identify the content of your web page quickly, determine the information architecture and content structure, and efficiently crawl your page.

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Your human visitors will value these key web page SEO factors because they will help to find the content they are looking for quickly. Plus, by including our on-page SEO factors, you make it easy for both search engines and visitors to find other relevant content on your site immediately.

16 Key Web Page SEO Factors

1 – Start Title Tag with Your Keyword

Your title tag is the most crucial web page SEO factor. The closer your keyword or phrase is to the beginning of the title tag, the more importance it has with search engines.

2 – Use SEO-Friendly URLs

Be sure to avoid “ugly” URLs such as mywebsite.com/03-11-2020/category/posttitle or mywebsite.com/?p=123. Instead, make your URLs short and keyword-rich, like pixolabo.com/16-key-web-page-seo-factors/. Here is an added benefit; studies have shown that shorter URLs tend to rank higher on Google.

3 – Add Modifiers to Your Page Title

Adding modifiers like “key,” “best,” “essential,” or “proven” help your web page rank for long-tail versions of your keyword.

4 – Wrap Your Page Title in a <H1> Tag

The H1 tag is also called the headline tag. Most CMS systems, including WordPress, automatically add the H1 tag to your page and blog titles. However, some themes override this setting. Check your website’s code to ensure your title tag gets the attention it deserves.

5 – Include Multimedia

Engaging images, videos, animations, and infographics can significantly reduce bounce rate and increase time on site. These are two critical user interaction ranking signals, and therefore an important on-page SEO factor.

6 – Wrap Subheadings in H2 Tags

Be sure to include your target keyword in at least one subheading, and wrap it in an H2 tag.

7 – Use Your Keyword in the First 100 Words

Another of our key web page SEO factors is keyword usage. Search engines give extra weight to your ranking if your keyword appears in the first 100 words. That means use it in the first paragraph!

8 – Be Mobile-First

Ever since Google introduced the mobile-friendly algorithm update in April 2015, having a mobile-first website is a must. Mobile-first web design became even more critical as Google updated the mobile-friendly algorithm over the years. If your business website is not mobile-first, you must fix that.

9 – Use Outbound Links

Outbound links to related pages are considered a relevancy ranking signal for Google. They help search engines identify your web page topic. A recent study showed that pages with outbound links outrank pages without outbound links.

10 – Add Internal Links

Another of our key web page SEO factors are internal links. Internal links link to content on your website or blog. Be sure to add two or three internal links to every page or post. A great example of internal linking is Wikipedia.

11 – Boost Site Speed

Site speed is the time it takes your web page to load. Google has stated that page speed is a key ranking factor. Plus, humans appreciate it as well. You can boost site speed by compressing images, using a content delivery network (CDN), or switching to faster hosting.

Almost 47% of customers want webpages to complete loading under two seconds or faster. Also, 40% of consumers will leave a webpage that needs more than three seconds to finish loading. WebGazer

12 – Use LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are synonyms that Google uses to determine the relevancy and quality of your web page. Switching it up is a good thing. Be sure to use them in every post and on every page.

13 – Image Optimization

Image optimization is not compressing the image. Image optimization includes using the target keyword in the image file names and the image Alt tags.

14 – Add Social Sharing Buttons

Search engines consider social signals a key ranking factor. Social shares get your content in front of more visitors and make it more likely some will link to your content.

Prominent social sharing buttons can increase social sharing by up to 700%! BrightEdge

15 – Create Long-Form Content

There is an SEO saying: “Length is Strength.” And that makes long-form content another of our key web page SEO factors. Studies have shown that longer content consistently ranks significantly higher on the first page of Google search results.

16 – Boost Time on Site

A high bounce rate is a sign of a low-quality website. That is a reason why Google and other search engines use dwell-time to determine your content quality. You can significantly increase your average dwell-time by creating engaging content that keeps people reading.

Using These Key Web Page SEO Factors

SEO does not have to be frightening or overwhelming; it just sounds that way to some business owners. Our key web page SEO factors are relatively easy to implement on your business website. Look at our list and compare it to your website pages and content. Any shortcomings should be reasonably obvious.

If you are interested in doing your SEO, you can save much time by using professional SEO tools. While there is an almost endless variety of free and premium tools available many of them are of questionable use. If you are not quite sure where to start, you may want to check out our Small Business SEO Toolbox; it has 42 helpful tools to get you started.

You can also find more SEO and other mobile-first web design tips on our blog.

Do You Need Some On-Page SEO Help?

Do you need some friendly advice on how to add these key web page SEO factors yourself? Here at PixoLabo, we offer a full range of mobile-first web design and search engine optimization services. We help businesses and product brands improve their mobile user experience and increase website traffic. Contact us to learn more about our web design and SEO services, and how our team can help you implement these key web page SEO factors.

How is Your Website Engagement?

Do you have anything to add to our key web page SEO factors? Please leave your comments below so our audience can benefit as well, and grab our feed, so you don’t miss our next post!

Have you checked to see if your website or online store is missing any of the above? If so, are you planning to add some or all of our key web page SEO factors? Do you feel comfortable doing this on your own, or are you planning to work with a professional? Are there any other obstacles that prevent you from attracting more visitors to your website?

Do you have any other ideas or thoughts on driving more traffic to your business website? Please leave your comments below so our audience can benefit as well. And grab our feed, so you don’t miss our next post! Please help your friends and associates to appeal to both humans and search engines by sharing these key web page SEO factors with them.

Thank you! We appreciate your help to end bad business websites, one pixel at a time!

By Gregor Schmidt
Co-Founder / CXO