5 Reasons Why Your Online Traffic Leaves Without Converting

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Driving traffic is the first step to online success. But if you really want to get the most out of your website, you will need to convert your online visitors.

Unfortunately, most websites on the internet don’t pay attention to the conversion part of having a website. Instead, they focus on broadcasting what they want potential visitors to know about them.

These days, if you want your target audience to make a conversion, then you will need to provide as much value as you can to your audience. You will also need to make sure that your business goals don’t get neglected as well.

Here are some of the very top reasons why your site traffic is not converting:

Poor site speed.

Site speed and performance is one of the most important things you need to maintain and improve if you want to get conversions.

People can visit your site for several reasons. Some of these reasons are them interested in what your site is about or want to get some information about your brand, or even be interested in making a purchase.

All of the things mentioned above are important for your website. Delays in your website opening and displaying content will have a significant impact on your conversions.

A single second delay can cause around a 7% reduction in your total conversions. Add a couple of unnecessary seconds, and you’re well on your way to ruining your chance of making any notable conversions.

Think about it. What are the chances of someone already angered by your site’s opening speed to make a conversion?

There are a couple of simple, easy to follow ways you can improve site speed. The easiest fix might be to get better hosting, preferably a dedicated server. CDNs can also be beneficial. Also, optimize your site content for better page load time.

Lousy design and user experience.

People are attracted to beauty.

We tend to pay attention to things that are either aesthetically pleasing or somewhat mysterious. These kinds of things spark our curiosity and make us look at them longer to understand better what we are looking at.

Web design can play a crucial role in conversions and sales. If you have a website that looks like it belonged in the early 2000s, then it might be a tiny bit of a nuisance to get people to trust your site.

Bad design is off-putting. Your intended audience will be more willing to give their personal and financial information to a site that looks modern, secure, and relevant. If your website has a bad design, it will have a significant impact on your user experience.

Online visitors and modern consumers need to be treated with the utmost care if you want them to convert. With the competition rising across all niches, people expect nothing less than a premium user experience. Providing things like good design, a live chat app, and working contact forms are things that people want to see on a website.

Features are not working.

As discussed earlier in this article, you need to make sure that your website is nothing short of stunning.

A small example. If your site has a contact form of some sort, it needs to work like a user would think it would work.

Often, you will see that a website has several buttons and features. But when you use these features, they don’t work, or even if they do work, they don’t let the user know that the action they took did something—responses like these paints a negative picture for your visitors with regards to your site. Bad impressions make for low conversions.

Add features to your site that your online visitors would want and make sure that they work correctly. Having instant customer support through chatbots and a live chat app is something that will aid your online customers significantly.

Badly placed CTAs.

Call To Action buttons are important. Ideally, they should be sprinkled across your website.

CTA buttons act as a reminder for your online visitors. Primarily they are used to bring you or your business value, but they can also help your audience get what they want. You should always take the middle approach and try to provide value to everyone associated with your site.

Pop-ups are useful CTAs, but they are super annoying at the same time. It would be best only to use pop-ups sparingly and only when you think that a user would like to see a pop-up.

Another lousy practice for CTAs is that there are too many to focus on at one time. If you have too many CTA buttons on your screen, it will divert your audience’s attention to other options, but then it will also make them indecisive, leading to fewer conversions.

Make sure that there is only one CTA on your user’s screen at any given time. This small design practice will help you save time and will help you convert your audience more effectively.

Too many options.

This is something that a lot of ecommerce websites are facing. Too many variations in their products and options make conversions minimal.

These days one print-on-demand strategy for ecommerce is to provide as few options as possible. Doing this drives people into a purchasing mindset, making them either covert faster and prevents them from lingering on the web page or, worst, leaving the page without making a conversion.

Non-e-commerce websites also face the same problem more or less.

If you’re interested in something like a software product, you will often see that if they offer a free plan, they won’t include that option and their paid plans. This emphasizes the benefits of the paid programs and gently nudges people who consider a paid plan to make a purchase.

Limit your options wherever you can, and you will start to see an increase in your conversions.


Optimizing conversions is something that all websites should be interested in. Without optimizing conversions, you won’t be able to get long term returns on all the hard work you do for your website.

By taking a thoughtful approach to design and providing value to your audience, you will be able to increase your conversions in no time.