A Little Animation Goes a Long Way

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Adding animation to a webpage is like breathing oxygen into a still-life painting. Beware though; too many movable graphics on your website can get in the way when visitors try to find what they need.

Image optimization is very important during the design phase. Since it combats user abandonment, it’s always a good idea to be selective about the type of animation you use. Think of lively graphics and related imaging as enhancements. These are features that get the main purpose of your website across to its viewers. Animation used in this way won’t overwhelm visitors. Instead, they’ll have a pleasant experience, find what they’re looking for and then visit again.

Pop-up Notifications

Communicate with your visitors without being intrusive by using pop-up notifications. Pop-ups enable you to ask a visitor if it’s okay to know their general location or request feedback. Users click “yes” or “no” and then can continue looking at your website. If pop-ups are used in moderation, they tend not to disturb visitors. Keep that tip in mind when considering your entire animation collection of elements you’ve chosen for your website.

Loading Style Graphics

Progress bars and spinners are examples of loading style graphics. They’re helpful because in general, some heavy scripted pages take longer than one minute to load. Unfortunately, even when using loading style graphics, if content takes too long to appear, it may force visitors to go elsewhere. Reduce this type of undesired outcome by using animation to tell a short story until the next page loads. Visitors may be more patient if they’re watching a narrative unfold alongside a spinner or progress bar. Make the visual effects worth their wait.

Parallax Animation Scrolling

This form of scrolling is where the front and back sections of a webpage move at different speeds. The style works well on one-page websites. If you decide to use the parallax scrolling animation method, avoid using any other major animation that could compete with it on that page. This way, visitors can better determine the intended focus of your website.

Showcase Slideshows and Galleries

A slideshow or gallery is an excellent animation choice for retail websites and other websites with lots of images to display. To further streamline your webpage, consider keeping third-party advertisements motionless. Make your slideshow or gallery the center of attention.

Review JavaScript Usage

Many of today’s websites use JavaScript due to its proven performance. Hamburger navigational menus, sliders and other JavaScript-based special effects add excitement to a website. The main drawback of the language is that too much of it slows down response times. When this occurs, visitors stray. This is especially true of mobile users who need fast answers while in transit. Always aim for just enough animation to entice without overdoing it. The longer visitors stay on your website without getting discouraged, the more likely they’ll buy.

The Right Amount of Animation

You can remove the uncertainty and time-consuming challenge that often goes with selecting the right animation for your website. Call on the expertise of a professional web design agency. Remember that your website’s purpose matters in the decision-making process. Give visitors the best in animation with the least amount of stress while browsing.