A Software Solution for a Fintech Lender

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A group of people decided to challenge traditional bank loans and introduce an alternative system – a fintech lending start-up.


The idea was to create a convenient, time- and effort-saving loan management system, which would help small and middle-sized businesses to pay their bills and invoices instantly.


*instinctools team has managed to develop a simple – on the outside – and fast solution that helps its users to get loans to pay for their purchases in practically no time. Clients can enjoy the benefits of the product by making just three steps: submitting the invoices they want to finance; getting the goods or services from the supplier; paying back on agreed terms and conditions.


The implemented solution has made it possible to speed up a lending process and turn it into a transparent and personalized experience based on each loan seeker’s needs. Compared to traditional banks, this system is not biased, more convenient, and carries less privacy and data security risks. Being a high-quality, up-to-date product, it helped our customer to automate their in-house processes and gain clients’ loyalty, which led to faster ROI and rapid growth of the business.