A Speedy Preparation for BFCM

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The very last days of November were approaching. The biggest event of the year in the e-commerce world as well.

The very last days of November were approaching. The biggest event of the year in the e-commerce world as well.

No longer than two days before the date of the biggest sale, the team of Jordan Belfort reached us with an urgent inquiry. Their storefront was not yet ready to welcome all users interested in the special courses of The Wolf of Wall Street.

Having no time to make any major or complicated improvements, we focused our efforts on refining the most crucial parts of the store. 24 hours later the storefront had cleaned up product and courses pages and an optimized cart. All tested. And ready for BFCM.

The Result

Working with Jordan Belfort’s team was a thrilling journey.

Short but thrilling.

Jordan Belfort’s BFCM campaign was a success. Their website was up, working better than ever.

Sometimes minor tasks play a big role and make a true difference.

After all, ensuring the ultimate shopping experience for customers and brands is what we do. And little overtime work can not away from the satisfaction of helping a brand perform and multiply its store conversion rate at such an important moment.