A1 “Interactive Doors” VR Experience

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A1 Croatia wanted to showcase their new business philosophy “New way of life” with a VR scenario.

About the Project

A1 is one of the leading providers of telecommunication services in Croatia.

As a part of their rebranding, they have chosen to communicate their new slogan “New way of life” an interactive VR experience while sponsoring the ” Reboot Infogamer”, the biggest gaming conference/fair in Central Europe.

The Solution

We have immersed visitors into the past, present and future scenarios of telecommunications.
When you open the door for the first time, you are sent to the past – and will be able to answer the first phone call ever made.

When you open the physical doors for the second time, you are sent to 1992, where you will be able to type and send the first SMS ever.

The last experience in the scenario sends you to a distant future, in which you can see, inspect and manipulate the data flowing freely around you in Sci-Fi environment.

We enjoyed combining the virtual and physical world, as we believed that it would result in even more experience immersion. We were right, and visitors were able to have a good time while learning about telecommunications.