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Betterfood is a smart assistant and a website which would solve an endless problem of group or team food orders.

Project Description

The assistant works by collecting everyone’s preferences, allergies, go- or no-go foods, and then sums that up for the person ordering catering. The next step would be to suggest restaurants doing delivery nearby, which can match the combined profile of the team, and assist in placing an order for delivery. The Betterfood smart assistant would work instead of a human office manager collecting food preferences from the team members, removing the pain and solving the problem with ease.


The product demanded visual perfection since it was one of the selling points. A great part of the interface structure was controlled by the choices and data. The startup pace of the company required an equivalent pace from the team, with the unforeseen events happening here and there. Moreover, we had to prepare to replace the back-end team provided by the client during the project, since their deadlines were not met.


Our team ranged from one-man to 5 people at different stages. We developed a strong culture of being part of the client team and used all our skills and possible levers to deliver best. Together with the client, we set up a lightweight management process similar to Kanban using Trello, which allowed rapid changes in the priorities and made hitting deadlines possible. We created both the marketing website and the main web app from the skeleton to the production environment on AWS. The designs were supplied by an excellent Betterfood designer, and all the tech was completed by our team, including the development process setup. Upon the completion, the customer was able to have another round of talks with investors and possible partners to further develop the application.