Cloud RPA Solution for a Modern Law Firm

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Each specific business flow can be changed via our custom Ruby-based business process engine.

The Challenge

A lot of his working time was spent collecting information from the client by phone or email and preparing documents for the case. It was also hard to share and redistribute the cases between different branches as it required a lot of manual work to move all the case-related documentation from one branch to another. It leads to the fact that the manual process decreases the number of processed cases which leads to profit loss.


Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, React.js, BPMN 2.0


The cloud-based platform which consists of two UI applications and shared API.

The first application is designed to automate real estate agent manual tasks.

The second application:

  1. Collects data from clients automatically instead of doing it manually
  2. Gets a quote for buying or selling a specific property.

Each specific business flow can be changed via our custom Ruby-based business process engine.