Corporate Identity and Website Design for Indeed-ID

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Corporate identity and website design for indeed id cover

Indeed-ID company is software vendor for managing users’ access to enterprise information resources.

Logotype Design for IT Company

The encrypted «red alarm button» in the company sign, the ID selection and the name with the cut out letter elements — everything in this sign somehow speaks about identification and security.

Software Vendor’s Corporate Identity

The extreme severity, harsh color scheme and the complete absence of graphic elements for the design of the corporate style are aimed at conveying the seriousness and responsibility of the tasks that the software of Indeed-ID solves.

Interface Design of IT Company’s Web-Site

Indeed, a strict, minimalistic and clear corporate website of Indeed-ID is simple and unequivocally communicates information about the work and services provided by the company. Professionalism is emphasized in a number of detailed cases of work performed.

We prepared adaptive site interface templates for mobile devices and desktop computers. Created in the course of work, a strict design guide provides developers with detailed instructions on the rules of layout and site operation.

The company Indeed-ID is our regular customer. We create the design of all visual carriers of corporate identity on regular basis.