Design Thinking Brought the Discovery of New Business Value Propositions in Solar

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Solar approached Granyon with the desire to develop branding that matched their energy services. To do this, Granyon designed their “360-degree digital suite” of apps and services.

About the Project:

Solar approached Granyon with the desire to develop branding that matched their energy services. To do this, Granyon designed their “360-degree digital suite” of apps and services.

Main Challenge(s):

To understand the new target groups fully, and be able to effectively create a collection of services that complement the brand and their clients’ needs.

Agency Solution(s):

Granyon’s focus was on three main categories: what the client typically has to accomplish, what keeps them from doing it, and what reward they expect to get from their efforts. Because they were able to discern these elements, they were able to easily target the desired audience.


Granyon was able to successfully create and implement the following key apps/services:

  • User Journey map
  • Value proposition canvas
  • Several App Concepts
  • Questionnaires for user test
  • App Design & Prototype