Drum Bun

  • Score Awaiting client review
  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 2-Minute Read

The main purpose of the app is to offer its users the possibility to VERIFY and PURCHASE a car and also to acquire car-related services. Once the user downloads the App, they can perform some actions before even creating an account. Any other type of action after the above-mentioned verification will take the user to the sign-up screen to create an account.

Project Context

The application involves managing car documents by checking expiration dates, storing them, and then purchasing other services related to the car.

We started the work with 1 back-end developer, 1 full-stack developer, 2 front-end developers, 1 manual tester and a bunch of new modules to be developed.

The Challenge

  • Creating the application with a stable base
  • Receiving and managing data efficiently and quickly through OCR.
  • Create UI / UX simple and easy to use
  • Auto-complete data automatically without filling in too many fields
  • Notify the user when some services are no longer valid
  • Purchasing services quickly and efficiently, respectively storing them

Main Features

  • Verify the existence of Car Services: IPT, RCA and VIGNETTE
  • Save your car`s profile along with the necessary documents
  • Setup and maintain a list of alerts to notify you on topics
  • Save multiple cars in the app
  • Purchase any of the mentioned services for a car
  • View and keep purchase history of car-related services