The Making Of… FinMarie

  • Score Awaiting client review
  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 4-Minute Read

What o8 did

  • Brand Makeover
  • Website Redesign – bilingual
  • Collaterals
  • Social Media Templates
  • Social Media Coaching

Goal & Starting Position

FinMarie was already on the market, founder Karolina had already achieved lots of visibility in terms of PR etc. When the finance-savvy Caroline Bell joined her as CTO, it seemed like the perfect moment to polish FinMarie’s presentation a little bit.

Branding & Business Model Workshop

The two owners received a list with coaching questions in advance, that were used for preparation. In early January then a one-day workshop took place.

The topics were:

  • The business model and its market/target groups
  • The owner’s brand vision
  • A benchmarking regarding existing communication approaches on the market (“knowing what you DON’T want to do”).

To make the discussion easier, we brought a benchmarking from the OVERW8 side. Regarding women and finance, that was mainly to show what to avoid. Such a determination can also be very useful:

  • What we don’t want to do
  • What we’ll do instead even more.

In a case like this, where the business model literally questions and counteracts existing beliefs, this is an appropriate approach.

Brand Strategy

The contents outlined in the workshop were summarized into the brand strategy, which was checked, refined and then released by the customer. These documents then go to the design apartment.

Marketing Plan

Before the brand design was developed, a rough marketing plan was set up, so that

  • there is a clear plan regarding the future sales funnel set up,
  • it is clear what to tackle first – and what can wait,
  • and which points are relevant at all or not for the brand manual (measures that don’t exist, don’t need a design right now).

Brand Design

As usual at OVERW8, in step 3 different approaches were developed. Apart from the technical correctness, this leaves room for the owners’ personal visions. To clarify: With this procedure usually, one of the three approaches happened to already be 90% fitting. These 3 approaches were presented in a video conference. The decision for one of them was an easy one for the owners – it was ‘Paintbrush’.

Adding depth to the chosen approach

The chosen approach is then broken down. In a way this is both a creative process as well as a logical work process – the single elements need to add up to a logical product in the end.

Result: The FinMarie brand manual.

Website Redesign

On this basis, it is quite easy to tackle the makeover of the WordPress page. Here templates are chosen that are already similar to the vision. Then they are tweaked to match the brand visual.

Social Media Equipment with Style and Class

Well prepared for events: worksheets, info material and business cards

Social Media Coaching

At OVERW8 we are open to building an offer in a way that fits the customer and his situation. In this case, the wish was to take over social media on their own in the future while bringing the brand to life with every post.

That’s why the social media material was created as a template set and some coaching sessions were organized for the new marketing manager Azra, so she could learn to work on the “live object”.


  • Choice of images and editing them (filters, cutouts)
  • Captions und CTas
  • Storytelling – how do I break down a bigger message into a series of posts

Secrets to Success

  • clear decision structure on the client-side
  • quick and reliable decisions
  • proactive communication on both sides
  • from the rough to the details
  • project management with Asana, Slack, later Teamwork
  • flexible usage of tools depending on the situation – from a flipchart to Google docs and from MIRO to Canva