Gulpfish Internet Platform

Web-Systems Solutions
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Employment agency №1 in the state of Rhode Island, USA, partner of world-famous companies including Starbucks, Burger King etc.


Employment agency №1 in the state of Rhode Island, USA, partner of world-famous companies including Starbucks, Burger King, Taco Bell, Dunkin ‘Donuts, etc. To make the job and employees search even more effective, it was decided to create an Internet platform.


  • Develop Internet portal architecture and logic.
  • Create layouts and build the client part of the Internet portal.
  • Design the blog.
  • Build the content management system of the Internet portal.
  • Program the web portal.
  • Bring the client part and the server part of the Internet portal together.


We had to complete an uneasy task — develop the architecture and logic of the large-scale Internet portal with many sections and services for the company that matched employers and job seekers in one state and was ready to go nationwide. For the successful implementation of the project, it was necessary to select the technology stack right, as well as establish communication with the Client who was on the other side of the ocean.


  • Having studied the technical specifications and learned the client’s wishes, we decided to use the following technologies for platform development: 1) framework Symfony –  to build the server part; 2) framework Ember.js – to complete the front-end tasks.
  • The design of the main pages of the portal was done by our American colleagues, we provided the layout and interactivity of layouts.
  • Our designer has created, important from the point of view of SEO element – blog.
  • Our front-end team has created an attractive and affordable user interface for the platform.
  • A service that simplifies the process of filling in the questionnaire is connected: the user uploads his resume to the site, the server synchronizes the data and transmits it in xml format. All forms on the site that match the information in the summary are filled in automatically. Thus, the user only needs to complete and not fill out the form from scratch.
  • Twilio connected. With this service, one of the main goals of the resource was achieved – to establish contact between the employer and the job seeker. The platform allows you to send instant reminder emails and other important information directly to your phone.

Work on the project lasted for two years. During this time we implemented and launched a job search web portal, and added a number of new features after the release. Today’s Gulpfish is the place for searching work №1 in Rhode Island.