High Impact Law Firm Commercial

Savvy Productions
  • Score Awaiting client review
  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 1-Minute Read

This is a TV commercial for Craig Swapp and Associates. It shows the hazards of distracted driving.

About the Project

Craig Swapp and Associates is one of Utah’s biggest law firms. But what really separates them from other lawyers? Welti-Call Advertising was tasked with showing just that. They teamed up with Savvy Productions the Utah Video Production experts to create a series of TV commercials.


The Craig Swapp law firm has an incredibly high number of 5-star reviews on multiple social media platforms. The concept was to create TV commercials to showcase real reviews. One of the law firm commercials is a slow-motion accident that shows the importance of not driving distracted.


The commercials grabbed attention. The end result was a video that the client loved and won a bunch of awards. In addition to that, clients seeking the law firm’s help has increased.