How to Double Email Marketing Revenue in a Month?

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One of our goals is to increase sales for Black Friday through email marketing and maintain the effect for the following months.

Aromateque is our client with whom we have been cooperating for a long time. Email marketing is an integral part of the sales funnel. ADINDEX helps grow business income. One of our goals is to increase sales for Black Friday through email marketing and maintain the effect for the following months.

Task: double the email marketing revenue.

What was done

We set up deep segmentation when collecting the email addresses of potential customers and customers who placed an order. This helped increase customer loyalty and stir up interest in the store.

We segmented the audience at the stage of collecting email addresses by characteristics:

  • brand interest – a customer who once bought a product of a brand and may be interested in subsequent purchases. Therefore, we set up an offer for the attracted target audience.
  • We set up segmentation based on the geographical location of the client – the city of residence/purchase. Aromateque concept stores are located in 5 cities of Ukraine: Kharkiv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa. It is relevant to use such subscriber bases in SMS mailings as an additional channel for promoting the store.

How to set up an effective email campaign on the example of Black Friday

Step 1. 2 weeks before Black Friday, we sent the first email to our entire customer base. It was a great starting point to activate subscribers and start the sale.

Step 2. The next email was sent a week later. The concept of each letter was extremely simple – a banner and a set of products. The main point is to show a discount and a key button with a call to action. Each subject of the letter is dedicated to a holiday or event.

Step 3. The day before Black Friday, we sent a promotional email to a narrowly targeted audience – interested and customers of the Sisley brand, in which we showed the scale of the promotions and time constraints.

Step 4. Black Friday mailing list. The newsletter was designed in the general Aromateque style, which was also used on the site.


  • income from the email channel grew3 times (by 184.28%) compared to last year;

  • Newsletter revenue for November was 33.5% of total email marketing revenue for the year (11 months);
  • Newsletter revenue for November was 4.72% of the company’s total monthly revenue;
  • revenue from the email channel grew 6 times (by 514.10%) compared to the previous month.