How to Generate 51% More Conversions in 3 Months?

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We have improved the results of NotebookRank in 3 months, using an automated bidding strategy and by account segmentation.


NotebookRank (, is an innovative website operating in Poland and India, helping users find a laptop perfectly tailored to their needs. Our goal was to optimize the Google Ads (AdWords) campaign to improve conversion rate.


We expanded and reorganized the campaign structure, completing important missing parts. Our goal here was to adjust the keywords as well as the whole account structure so it could reach the user regardless of how precise their expectations about new laptop were. As a result, the number of keywords increased by over 330% and CTR increased by 160% compared to previous activities. We implemented automated bidding – eCPC (Enhanced CPC) & Target CPA Smart Bidding strategy. For ad customization, we used the client’s Business Database. We also implemented Dynamic Search Ads. Conversion rate improved by 38% and conversion cost has decreased by 26%.