Infinia Warehouse

Lean Apps
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  • Date Published
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Warehouse App to manage inventory in and out smoothly integrated with stores to manage customer orders in real time.


Warehouse Management is a complex business process with different processes for Goods In and Good Out. Most of the WMS systems in the market are complex and very time consuming to use for warehouse personnel.


INFINIA Retail, wants Lean Apps to understand the pain points of Warehouse personnel in different Warehouse process and come with a solution that can save time in the otherwise complex process.


We started with a user interview at the warehouse of INFINIA customers and understood their current processes. We created a user journey and understood the current pain points in the complete Goods In and Good Out process. This helped us design some paper prototypes which we tested with customers and iterated to a better solution. This was further converted to high fidelity prototype and then to a React Native App along with a web back-office system.