Insures Your Peace of Mind

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How long should this case text be? If it’s too long, the reader may lose interest and doesn’t even see the stuff we’ve done, and if it’s too short…

Wiener Insurance

How long should this case text be? If it’s too long, the reader may lose interest so (s)he doesn’t even take a look at the stuff we’ve done, and if it’s too short… well, it may look like the campaign wasn’t very well thought-out.

Fearless Campaign

All the big players in the insurance industry use “negative” emotions in their communication, often intimidating clients with the worst-case scenarios – from house fires and floods all the way to injuries and burglaries. Can Wiener insurance be fearless and positive in this reign of terror?

Give Peace a Chance

Can you remember the last time you were completely carefree? Worrying is as natural as breathing. Whether it’s about family, health, work, or love … we all constantly worry about something. Could insurance be a calming factor in our lives? That was our starting point when we created the new positioning slogan and came up with a creative concept to go along with it: Wiener. It insures your peace of mind.

Only Sweat the Small Stuff

When Wiener insurance insures everything you care for – you have nothing left to worry about. Or do you? This is the main premise of the campaign in which we see the petty little worries of our protagonists – they simply don’t have bigger ones! To paraphrase the famous phrase, they have smaller fish to fry.