Klienditugi CRM Integration

Amoniac OÜ
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The integration of the Klienditugi CRM system with the business knowledge and analytics market company Inforegister.


Klienditugi is a company that provides its customers with ready-made solutions for increasing sales and optimizing marketing activities. The company also has a service to provide CRM systems with wide functionality, as well as their full administration.


Our team faced the task of synchronizing data between the client’s CRM system and the Estonian analytical company Inforegister, which has its database of companies and, being in a constant systematic process, owns the most recent data about all Estonian companies.


The integration process is quite simple. We collect each client CRM company and contact data, where each company and contact have a unique identifier by which we always find up-to-date information about the company in the Inforegister database. All the changes are then updated from Inforegister to each client CRM.

Thus, for a CRM client, everything happens automatically and without additional research of the company’s customers. The client not only frees himself from routine manual work, significantly saving his time, but also can take appropriate decisions to optimize work with the client, taking into consideration his current state, for example, saving money or investing in the right partner.