NBC Sports

  • Score Awaiting client review
  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 1-Minute Read

This project was conducted by Huemor, and discusses the issue NBC Sports needed resolved as a client. The project involved pitching a modern call to action marketing campaign that heavily involved user app interaction.

About the Project:

This project was conducted by Huemor, and discusses the issue NBC Sports needed resolved as a client. The project involved pitching a modern call to action marketing campaign that heavily involved user app interaction.

Main Challenge(s):

To boost awareness of sports bars, the clubs they support, and to increase NBC Sports’ viewership on live sports events.

Agency Solution(s):

The firm planned to create an app that integrated an enjoyable public experience through the user supporting their favorite teams in sports-bars with like-minded fans. Additionally, a voting aspect was introduced to the app experience to further involve fans.


The project was successful in integrating NBC Sports’ viewership growth into patronage growth in local sports-bars. The interface was simplistic enough to use, and was a useful tool to boost fan awareness/involvement.