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OT-OIL is a Russian developer of corporate information solutions for oil and gas companies in Russia.

OT-OIL is a Russian developer of corporate information solutions – highly specialised ERP – for oil and gas companies in Russia. The solutions cover all levels of enterprise management in all geographic locations. OT-OIL organizes data warehouses and data banks, creates centralized and distributed storage units of structured information for energy companies and engineering centers. They optimize production processes and automate various tasks, from planning to monitoring key upstream processes.

OT-OIL asked Logicify to create a number of visual components for their oil and gas tubes monitoring system. They had established a heavy waterfall-like dev process, with extremely detailed specifications and project meetings. There were strict and formal requirements for naming components, classes, and other entities. We had to sync this process with our Agile style and walk through several iterations to complete the assignments.

The customer had a closed proprietary system, with an external UI and components library. We enriched the latter with a multi-select picker, an advanced text field with complex validation system, and a multi-functional rich calendar component. Another task was to create a visualization tool for the oil wells. It was interactive, displaying various parts, events and actions when user hovered over its different parts. User could zoom standalone parts, see their description, specifications, materials the details were made of, etc.

The client integrated our components into their proprietary system, thus adding usability to the end product.