RED BULL – Batalla de Gallos

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Red Bull Rapper Battle, one MC kissed his rival, and everyone went mads! In one week we did an 8 bits game with kisses and rhymes. TOTAL VIRALIZATION

About the Project

Red Bull needed to expand its ATL presence and take over the digital world. One of his usual rap battles, was presented as a good occasion to generate the buzz they were looking for.

The Solution

In the battle, one of the rappers kissed his rival in the mouth, which generated a favorable tailwind that we had to take advantage of. At the same time, a video game by Leonardo Di Caprio went viral, trying to capture his deserved Oscar. We decided to go the simplest and most effective way: replicate the game of Di Caprio, adapting it to the Red Bull event and trusting that the fan base of the rappers would catapult it. Instead of statuettes and movie stars, our game had kisses, rappers and rhymes.