Smart Prospective | Real-Time Display Solution for Advertising

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Smart Prospective is a solution for real-time display advertising campaigns. This platform captures and transforms the physical store traffic.

Smart Prospective is a solution for real-time display advertising campaigns. This platform captures and transforms your physical store traffic. Its goal is to help spread the targeted message at the right time and measure its impact. Users enjoy remote display control and AI-powered ad targeting.


Timeline: 18 weeks


When we started working on the case, we identified several issues that had to be tackled. The AI-powered targeting demanded an improved UX and UI design to help users conveniently work with ads and use the platform with confidence.

  1. The trendy business idea with an outdated design
  2. Bulky user interface
  3. Inconvenient process of arranging ad publications

User Goals

  1. Manage and schedule your online impressions with a centralized platform;
  2. Accurately identify customers and potential customers who visit your stores;
  3. Adapt real-time content through AI for shoppers in your stores.


Our team strived to work mainly in the following areas to re-energize the platform:

  • Improved User Experience: Convenient registration forms and steps visualization
  • Gamification of the Service: Custom illustrated notifications about achievements available in User Profile
  • Modern User Interface: Vivid, trendy, captivating design



Convenient statistics visualization for better ad analytics

Ad Targeting in Sync With the Weather

The platform presents an opportunity to launch custom ads in accordance with weather and climate conditions outside. Users can also choose the ad frequency.

  • Targeting based on weather conditions
  • Targeting based on the climate situation
  • Choose your ad frequency

Season and Holiday Banners in User Profiles

Smart Ads

Smart Ads is an artificial intelligence solution that precisely measures store traffic and provides customers with relevant content.

  • Adapt real-time content to passers-by based on their characteristics;
  • Remote display control and AI-powered ad targeting;
  • Identification of visitor type based on their visit history.

Visual Division Materials

The divide materials feature allows choosing how your ads will be positioned and calibrated on the screen. Users can choose different content for each screen.

Communication With Users

Submit your feedback or ideas through the online platform and get help within 24 hours.


Wireframes and prototypes were developed in order to achieve one of the main goals – better User Experience.


Smart Prospective obtained a new and improved UX/UI design that helped boost retention and create a better onboarding experience for new clients.

Access the full case study here