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Can the current lack of creativity be tackled — creatively?

Anyone who’s ever stood in front of an empty piece of paper knows how horrible it is to come across a creative block – that frustrating feeling of staying on a road that leads nowhere. Can the current lack of creativity be tackled – creatively?

When Ideas Dry Up

Wanting to help our fellow creatives (and ourselves), we designed unBLOK, a multipurpose notebook that serves for saving ideas but also for encouraging them. Because, only creativity can spark creativity. Amongst the pages of the notebook, you’ll find tasks whose aim is to break up the daily mental routine and stimulate the creative process. The end result is less important. What’s important is to forget about limits, self-censorship, comparisons and all the other enemies of creative freedom, and to surprise – yourself!

Festival of Creativity

And we didn’t stop there! We wanted to explore how many solutions there are to the same task and show that one question can have an infinite number of answers. That’s why unBLOK owners were invited to send us their completed tasks and participate in the BLOK party – an exhibition of submitted works – without the goal of evaluating or censoring. Because it’s the very diversity of solutions that opens up new perspectives, shows the value of different approaches and serves as inspiration.