Using Facebook, Instagram and Email Marketing to Drive Sales

Vrootok Marketing & Consulting
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  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 3-Minute Read

We positioned Broth by Design as a premium brand, using Facebook, Instagram and e-mail marketing to drive sales.

Broth By Design is an eCommerce website and is one of those businesses that are driven by passion. Inspired by their family heirloom bone broth recipe, they decided to recreate the same taste by selecting the highest quality grass-fed bones.

They don’t have a large product assortment, but those 3 products that they offer are top made to be perfect.

The Challenge

Before reaching out, Broth By Design’s main selling channel was Amazon. Since their sales were constantly growing, they decided that it’s time to cut the middle man and to utilize their own website.

Not everyone sees the benefits of bone broth, so we immediately realized that we’re dealing with a market that’s built on the “80/20” Pareto Principle.

We needed to identify that golden 20% and understand who they are, what their habits are, under what circumstances are they consuming bone broth, and other internal motivations for interacting with the brand.

We needed to position the products as part of a premium brand and justify its price.

Additionally, Broth By Design’s slogan is “Taste Matters!”, and part of our job was to understand our customers better and guide the little tweaks in the flavor of the products.

Services Offered

  • Pay Per Click
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media marketing
  • Market Research Services
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Email Marketing


To put our finger on that 20%, we used Google Ads.

We used Facebook and Instagram to get to the audience that does not actively search for bone broth.

Email marketing was mostly used for re-engaging with people that have shown interest in or have already bought from the brand.

Regarding SEO, our goal was to create the most detailed content and encompass our competitors in terms of covering our main topics.

The Process

With very detailed Google Ads and Analytics tracking, in a relatively short period, we recognized the different market segments that should be targeted with our paid campaigns.

This is where we launched our first Facebook and Instagram campaigns. With the help of extensive A/B tests, we understood what kind of content and imagery works best for each targeted audience.

This led us to create Custom Audiences that we further utilized for paid social media campaigns.

Throughout this whole process, we continuously improved the SEO of the website and generated lengthy email lists.

As with any eCommerce website, email marketing (in the long run) turns out to be the most profitable channel. This is especially true in the case of Broth By Design. Remember the 20/80 thing?

Once we reached this relatively small market and got people to leave us their email, we were able to re-engage with them through content that is full of character, grace, gut, and spine.


Over 7275% Increase 

In Facebook Likes

Over 175% Increase 

In Instagram Followers

Over 43% 

Email Open Rate

Over 54% 

Email Click-Through Rate

Over 600 000 People Reached

With Google Ads