Website for Natural Stone Salon Kameya

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  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 3-Minute Read

Kameya specializes in supplying natural stone from major manufacturers from Greece, Italy, India, and Brazil.

Kameya specializes in supplying natural stone from major manufacturers from Greece, Italy, India, and Brazil. It also carries on business in architectural and landscape lighting of countryside houses and historical buildings.


  • to create a convenient catalog, by using which designers, architects, and direct customers can quickly and easily find products for their projects;
  • to present the image of a reliable and experienced company; after all, Kameya has been on the market for over 10 years and knows almost everything about natural stone; and
  • to create a personal area through which Kameya can personalize its work with partners.

Logo Creating

The old logo was not scaled well. By style, it was more suitable for a store of art goods or a beauty salon.

Therefore, a new logo was developed for Kameya.

The symbol contains the texture of the stone and the stylized letter “K”. The text part of the logo and the symbol are linked with a graphic “rhyme”, i.e. with crosscutting and rounding.


The new logo is used as the main element on the first screen.

Below, we tell about the advantages of cooperating with the company. For each advantage, a unique icon is drawn.

On the page, there is also a section, where Kameya can advertise top products and tell about new products.

Users are invited to visit the showroom.


The site structure is developed together with an SEO specialist. Special attention is paid to the catalog structure.

Searching for natural stone can be completed by type, format, and use. There are also independent categories, such as “Stone Filling” and “Stone Products”. To go to the required product group is possible from the extended drop-down menu.

When going to the page, users can see a list of products. However, sometimes it is impossible to show products on the list. In this case, an alternative option for presenting goods is provided, i.e. in the form of a static page with a text and photos.

In order to switch to this type of display, the site admin is supposed simply to select a special parameter in the site management system.

Product Page

Different products can be provided with a different price format. The price can be set up per m2, m3, pcs. It is often required to specify the packaging and to provide additional information about the price. Sometimes, it is possible to specify only a lower price limit. Some products are supplied with two prices at once.

All the possible price options are thoroughly designed, and the process of specifying them is made convenient for the site admin. By the way, in the content management system prices are indicated in Dollars or Euros, and on the site, they are displayed in Belarusian rubles. They are automatically converted at the rate of the National Bank.

Project Page

The Projects section is the company’s portfolio. On the page of an independent project, users can see photos, read the reviews of the designer and the client, as well as find the goods that were used in the project.

Personal Area for Partners

In a personal area, designers and architects can conveniently download textures for their visualizations. Here, end customers receive commercial offers, calculations, and photographs of objects.

The site is convenient to use from both a smartphone and a desktop.