WhatSalon – Find Great Salons in Your Area

Nerdzlab LLC
  • Score Awaiting client review
  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 2-Minute Read

WhatSalon is the newest, fastest and most fun way to browse and book your hair and beauty appointments.

The Challenge

WhatSalon is a Marketplace product for beauty salons. Our system should work directly with their CRM to give the best experience for the end-user. We needed to create an ecosystem that works with as many as salons as possible and sends orders directly into their’s CRMs.

Each new salon has an API, so the integration complexity grows exponentially. The first integration is not dependent on anything. The second integration is dependant on a first. Integration #6 is dependent on all five integrated before. The process needs to be seamless, and the system needs to be easily extendable. No matter what CRM salon uses, the application should give the same experience for its users and be able to search all salons across all possible parameters.

The Solution

  • Integrated microservices architecture, to easily add or remove new CRM integration.
  • To make any CRM fit WhatSalon functionality, we created a platform where any salon can adjust missing information or edit an existing one.
  • Created an advanced algorithm for dynamic search across all salons possible parameters – service, location, day & time, etc.


  • The business was acquired for €15,000,000 and is highly valuable for the end-users
  • We established a full ecosystem for salons where they can efficiently operate their business
  • Integrated six biggest salon software providers in the United Kingdom
  • Reached market with opened opportunity for 20,000 beauty salons