Google’s J.Mueller Suggests Ignoring Internal Linking

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J.Mueller Google’s spokesman replied to a recent question on twitter, on how to categorize links

J.Mueller, Google’s spokesman, replied to a recent question on Twitter: how to categorize links on the homepage in menus and categories or within homepage content which is known as inner-linking? John’s answers are usually unmeasurable but this time it’s stated clearly!

Internal linking is either obsolete, wrong, or misleading! Suggesting to put the effort elsewhere.

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Let’s dig deep and analyze the whole question and statement and figure out what can be done and what to avoid.

The Terminology

Link Juice: a term used by new SEO’s, describing the authority – power – that link can carry, as a signal of importance and favourability for Search Engines.

The term is known formally “PageRank” the original algorithmic attribute Google used to rely on in its early days, measuring the value of web page by the number of “quality” links referring to a webpage.

PageRank evolved much since it’s beginnings, introducing Do-Follow & No-Follow Attributes, while the intelligent algorithm learned to drop the majority of low-quality links by disavowing it manually and algorithmically, yet a backlink is a backlink, whether it’s internal or external, but not just that, IT DEPENDS.

The Premise –  Valid Question

Shaurya Prakash volunteered to ask a question many SEO’s assume it’s self-evident! And formulated his question in a way that left no vague answer, he was wondering whether to promote category pages from the home page by listing in the navigation menu or within home page content?

Mueller’s answer, unlike the majority of his answer, came straight! Page Rank/ Link Juice is “very likely” to be”


Below is the original Tweet:

Google’s John Mueller answered:

I’d forget everything you read about “Link Juice”

If John was a webmaster and an SEO, he would ignore endless articles from the world’s most respected Journals and Communities, HubSpot, Moz, SEJ, and others. Stressing the importance of link juice and site internal linking!

Some link values and benefits standstill, like UX, and helping Googlebot’s discovering new content, especially for news websites, this is a must in some cases disregarding Link Juice.

Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Alexis Sanders (Senior Account Manager, Merkle) in SEO Mythbusting series discuss crawling in deep.

It’s Very Likely all to be: Obsolete, Wrong, Misleading

1st, he surely didn’t mean all, but it’s very likely maybe, in that case, let’s go through the What and How:

Obsolete: The value is demolishing and depleting over the years, it’s shifting towards user experience and ways that are harder and harder to manipulate, but a Google Search on “Link juice” will return with freshly updated info from reputable sources! So it’s his word against the SEO community, both ways are neither wrong nor right.

Wrong: Carl Jung mentioned that “Most Ideas are Wrong” but science and community experts should provide inductive knowledge to take decisions, of course, we can’t know how it’s valuable or even how much! But decisions are inevitable! And John didn’t confirm whether to do it both ways, navigation and content, so we can be Wrong & Right at the same time! See? A dilemma! Thanks, John!

and/or Misleading: let us skip the and/or so you will not skip this read and discuss misleading instead.

Yes it is possible, but John’s statement is already misleading, so you are assuming that Link-Juice info is intended to trick the algorithm so it would be misleading for SEOs? Or for the algorithm? If so, and we applied the opposite of the intended info, would that make internal linking helpful?

Instead, build a website that works well for your users.

That’s so general as expected, a website works well should have internal linking for users, users click links within content, or at least mouse over the link to check it’s a domain at least, would that enhance the user experience? If yes, wouldn’t be worth sharing by Google to make the internet better?

Test on your own, that’s the SEO’s job anyway.

Honorable Mention

Why does Google still show the internal linking pages on Google Search Console if it’s not important! If that’s not something they consider why we should ignore! It would be lovely if a G shares our common sense, or become more transparent, the consequence is inevitable for SEO’s and Google alike. One will never get better without the other.

The Conclusion

Not the most confusing statement from a Googler, but SEO has always been a case by case scenario, every SERP is different, and we follow a checklist till it’s all implemented, then analyze and test like no tomorrow!

Chill and sense the upcoming Digital Chaos, the future is amusing indeed.

Let us know what you think, we like knowing.

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