How Much Does Web Design Cost?

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Your business is growing and your website needs to grow with it. How far will your budget go if you have to hire an agency to design your website?

If you’re wondering how much web design costs? The short answer is: it depends.

It depends on what kind of company you’ve got (e-commerce, brick-and-mortar retail, wholesale, B2B service, nonprofit organization, etc.). It depends on what kind of website you need (blog, e-commerce, general brand site, etc.).  And it depends on how much depth you want your site to have (a one-page site, a 5-page microsite, a content site with thousands of pages, etc.).

These are all questions you’ll need to work out before you can put a price tag on web design. But once you do you estimate the amount of time it will take to design your website. Why is that important? Because if you can figure out how much time is needed, you can use the hourly rates below to estimate the cost of web design for your project.

We gathered hourly rates from over 750 American web design agencies and found that, on average, the best web design agencies charge $127 per hour.

So, if you’ve got $5,000 to spend, that will cover the rough equivalent of a full-time employee for a week. $20,000 will cover a month of full-time work from an agency. It’s important to note, these agencies have other clients, so it is unlikely that you will get a devoted 40-hour week from an agency. In other words, don’t confuse hours with availability when setting deadlines.

Looking for a web design agency for your website? Now you can be sure you don’t pay above-average prices for below-average work. Compare prices and get the most out of your agency.

How we determined how much web design costs

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Soon we’ll release more detailed pricing information including agencies from around the globe. We’ll answer questions like:

  • Where are the most expensive web design agencies (and the cheapest)?
  • What is a low-cost hourly rate for a web design agency?
  • What countries offer the most affordable web design?