How to Reduce E-Commerce Shopping Cart Abandonment

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  • Reading Time 6-Minute Read

Are your consumers not completing their purchases? Here are six obstacles you need to remove to reduce shopping cart abandonment.

E-Commerce Shopping Cart Abandonment is Real!

One of the biggest problems facing e-commerce owners is not how to attract potential consumers to their online store. The big question is to get online shoppers to complete their purchases! E-commerce shopping cart abandonment affects the majority of e-commerce sites, and it is on the rise! So what is going on here? Why are online consumers not checking out their purchases?

The average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. Baymard Institute

The majority of abandoned e-commerce shopping carts result from common e-commerce usability failures. Just like a cluttered and poorly organized brick-and-mortar store provides a lousy shopping experience, your e-commerce presence can be equally unappealing. And whenever more sophisticated and demanding mobile consumers have even the slightest hesitation, they will leave your e-commerce store in favor of your competitors!

Simply Being Online Is Not Enough in 2020!

For a long time now, ‘being online’ has not been enough. Delivering exceptional mobile-first user experience is fundamental to mobile consumers, who expect convenience, speed, and accessibility across every channel. And building an effective e-commerce website is only the beginning.

In 2020 it is essential that you continuously monitor your online store and enhance the shopping experience of your target consumer. More and more consumers purchase online. Online retailers who keep an eye on emerging trends and the strategies of their peers and rivals are reaping the most significant e-commerce rewards.

To maintain success and achieve growth, you need to test ways to optimize your conversion rates continually. Offer usability convenience across all mobile devices and maximize every opportunity to engage with your target customers. Only by doing so will you be able to reduce e-commerce shopping cart abandonment and increase online sales.

In order to reduce e-commerce shopping cart abandonment, you must avoid some universal e-commerce consumer obstacles. Here are the six most common turnoffs experienced by e-commerce consumers. Take a look and see if any of them sound familiar. By removing these obstacles on your e-commerce site, you can significantly reduce your e-commerce shopping cart abandonment. Potential online consumers will thank you for it!

6 Common Reasons for E-Commerce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Frustrating Checkout

Maybe you offer the best products, quality, and value on the market and provide an exceptional e-commerce user experience overall. But online consumers will abandon their shopping cart unless your checkout process is fast, simple, and secure.

Hidden Calls to Action (CTAs)

Online consumers need encouragement to take the action you want them to. For modern consumers, arriving on an e-commerce site with missing or confusing CTAs is like being on a scavenger hunt without clues! They will get frustrated, lose interest, and find something else to do. Which means they will abandon their cart and shop at your competitors.

Impossible-to-Find Products

Modern mobile consumers are ever more impatient and demanding! They expect to find the products they are looking for quickly. At a minimum, you need to provide them with a clean and well-organized shop page or pages outlining all your products. Prominent site search functionality is essential as well. Be sure your site search can handle long-tail semantic search phrases and autocompletes their search query. As voice search gains in popularity, you need to make sure your online store is ready for that.

Obscure Navigation

Nothing will frustrate online consumers more than poor site navigation. Therefore, it is essential to offer an intuitive navigation menu that clearly shows product categories, as well as links to the shopping cart and checkout pages. To further reduce e-commerce shopping cart abandonment be sure to offer online shoppers to narrow their search through options such as cost, size, or color.

Forgotten Customer Queries

Make it easy for your potential and existing customers to contact you. Display your contact info, including phone number, email address, and social profile links. Be sure to respond to customer comments and questions quickly. Consider adding live chat functionality, or an exit popup to reduce e-commerce shopping cart abandonment at the crucial stage.

Ignoring Abandoned Carts

Don’t despair if you lose a sale. E-commerce shopping cart abandonment is not the end of the world. It is always possible to re-engage with online consumers and entice them to return to your online store and complete their purchase. Consider emailing users who abandoned their shopping carts and remarketing them with ads for items for which they have shown an interest.

Avoiding E-Commerce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Now that you know the frequent contributors to e-commerce shopping cart abandonment, it is time to remove them from your e-commerce site. Begin with the most critical items on our list, and work your way down until you eliminated all obstacles. You should be able to handle most of these on your own. But some may require additional help from your web designer or developer. If you don’t have a web designer or developer, here are a few tips for finding your ideal web design partner.

Still Not Sure About E-Commerce Shopping Cart Abandonment?

E-commerce shopping cart abandonment is a significant concern for almost every e-commerce site owner. Reducing your shopping cart abandonment rate can take time and effort, and many e-commerce retailers are hesitant where and how to get started. Removing the above shortcomings is a great way to start. If you are unable or unwilling to do this on your own, we are here to help.

Here at PixoLabo, we offer a full range of mobile-first business website consulting and design services. We can develop custom mobile-first websites and e-commerce solutions to meet (almost) any budget. Our team can also help you with search engine optimization, and host and maintain your e-commerce store for you. Why not get started by requesting your free estimate?

Our team will listen to your concerns, analyze any problems and obstacles that stand between your audience and your e-commerce website, and how to overcome them. That way, you can focus on running and growing your online business. Does that sound good to you? Then why not contact us now?

Do You Suffer from Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Is e-commerce shopping cart abandonment a significant concern for you? If so, what are you doing to reduce your cart abandonment rate? Do you have any other tips or suggestions for reducing shopping cart abandonment? We would love to know about them. Please share them with our audience in the comments. Don’t forget to grab our feed so you don’t miss any updates. And help any online business owners among your friends and associates by sharing this post with them.

Thank you! We appreciate your help to end bad business websites, one pixel at a time!

By Gregor Schmidt
Co-Founder / CXO