Key Advertising Principles For Success


Learn the 12 principles crucial to success with online advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google & others.

Advertising is the art of positively and profitably displaying your brand message to its potential audience over time. The yield from this monetization vehicle can be further improved through constant optimization relevant to the following 12 principles crucial to successful online advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, SnapChat, Linkedin, Google & others.

1. Stages of Advertising

First, you need to find your audience (Stage 1). Second, optimize that audience (Stage 2). Third launch a missile at it (Stage 3).

2. Budgeting

The ability to best use financial resources in order to most optimally realize a return on investment and a return rate proportional burn rate. To do this, it is recommended to use the following two mathematical rules as standard.

You set a $3000 budget for this month and have that money or at least 20% as a float. Knowing but also risking that you will make sales with $600 which should cover your two first stages of advertising. Take this math to every next level in the budget as you grow your cash flow.

Smaller Ad Budgets Below $3,000 Per Month

When you are working with an account with small custom audience sizes, use the 20-30-50 split in the following way: 50% of your budget in awareness, 30% in consideration and 20% in retargeting.

Larger Ad Budgets Above $3,000 Per Month

With an account with a large custom audience size, also use the 20-30-50 split though as using 30% of your budget in awareness, 50% in consideration, and 20% in retargeting when you are working with an account with small custom audience sizes. Simply said you are investing more budget towards an audience which is already part of the middle of your funnel which essentially will yield more for every dollar given they don’t need to show an awareness ad.

Pareto Principle

The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts, and in so apply your financial resources to that 20% repeatedly.

3. Buyer Stage

Cold (doesn’t know you)

Warm (shows interest)

Hot (undecided)

4. Buyer Persona

What are they triggered by? This is relative to their buying stage. Cold need stimulation and incentive. Warm leads need experience and social proof. Hot need discount and FOMO (fear of missing out) which you can use urgency and or scarcity and you can also use social proof to emulate

5. Buyer Type

This is relative to your targeting. Some products are being looked for, others you stumble upon. For example, you sell iPhone cases and target iPhone case vs targeting iPhone owners

6. Call to Action

Use your CTA relative to their buying stage. Cold-discover now. Warm-find yours. Hot-get yours now.

7. Creative & Text

Your creative will assure you have good CTR and thus lower CPM. Use disruptive images, bright colors, symmetry, relatable content. Never forget consumers are being interrupted by ads so you need to overcome banner blindness (being bombarded with ads and not caring for them) by using something they aren’t accustomed to seeing.

8. Segmentation

The separation and grouping of individuals based on type of actions, length of interactions, recency of interactions, demographics, behaviours and more.

9. Cadence

The time period within which you present your brand to a cold audience and attempt to convert them.

10. Touchpoints

The number of times you interact with a given person during your cadence.

11. Synchronicity

Objective, audience and creative matching with buyer stage. Your campaign objective should be in sync with your targeted audience, accordingly your creative should align with your buyer stage and the previous.

12. Value Proposition

What you have to offer to your viewer which is valuable to them and evokes them to intend to or do what you would like them to do.


Finally, the marketing funnel is the most key piece of knowledge you need to retain to ensure your success. Each stage must be met as effectively as possible to maximize your advertising success.

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