SEO Copywriting Services: 10 Tips to Improve Your Blog Content

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Along with copywriting, one of the essential strategies for boosting your visibility and becoming a successful online business is SEO.

Fun fact: The attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. The human attention span is 8 seconds. So… How do you grab the reader’s attention in just 8 seconds and keep the user on your site?

The answer is in SEO copywriting.

Copywriting has become an indispensable part of any marketing activity. But nowadays, it’s not enough to know how to write; it is even more important to provide value, engage the audience and write the way everyone understands you.

One of the most important strategies to increase your visibility and become a successful online business is SEO.

Do you want to rank better in Google search results?

Let us find out why quality SEO copywriting is one of the most important factors for ranking well in search results?

Discover the best SEO copywriting tips and get ready to attract customers and increase your sales!

What is SEO?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization = planning, creating, and optimizing content.

When writing content, we have high-quality content on the one side and SEO on the other. And there is no success in ranking better and higher on Google without combining them both.

The closer you are to the top of the Google search engine, the more successful you will drive traffic to your website. And with more traffic comes more inquiries and customers.

When writing an article, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the purpose of my article?
  2. Who am I writing for?
  3. What do I want my readers to feel? What action should they take?
  4. How will they benefit from my article?

SEO is more than just optimization. It is a strategy that takes lots of time and effort, patience, and persistence.

SEO Copywriting: A bridge that connects you and your audience

SEO copywriting is about creating engaging, informative, and valuable content that targets specific keywords and entices users to take a specific action.

SEO copywriting services help you target your users and customers and solve their specific problems through well-created content, research, copywriting, editing, and optimization.

Important SEO Steps to improve your Google ranking

1. Long and quality content

Don’t write articles under 1500 words. And don’t just write to fill the pages. The content you write should be well researched, informative, and well written. High-quality.

2. Write attractive headlines

The title of your article is the first thing your readers will see. Your main goal is to arouse their desire to click and check what you have to say or offer. The title should contain up to 60 characters and accurately describe the content of the page.

3. Optimize the H1, H2, and H3 tags

Make your H1 tag different from other headings and use only one H1 tag per page or article.

Depending on the length and type of your content, sometimes you only need H1 and H2. Don’t overdo them; balance is the key.

4. Keywords

Make sure your target keyword appears in the title, first paragraph, and meta description. The keyword should also appear in the headings (H1) and the subheadings (H2 and H3).

5. CTR (click-through rate)

If Google sees a high click-through rate for your blog post in the SERPs (search engine results pages), it’s a sign that readers like your content and your reward will be a better ranking.

What steps can you take to improve your CTR?

  • Include a date in your title. Example: Best copywriting blogs in 2021.
  • Add a number/example to your title. Example: 8 emails your guests will want to read, with examples.
  • Write engaging and clickable meta titles and meta descriptions.
  • Have at least one link to an external source (link to another page with high-quality content) and an internal source (link to one of your articles, a work page, etc.).

6. Tables of contents

This step is an easy way to improve your search ranking. The table of contents provides a better user experience and allows users to check the relevant sections.

7. Lists, bullets, and bullet points

Use bullet points, lists, or bulleted and numbered lists to make your content more manageable and visually appealing.

8. Backlinking strategy

Build up your backlinks. This is crucial if you want to build brand authority and trustworthiness. When a reputable website links to your site, Google sees your site as a valid answer for searchers

9. Update old content

Refresh your old content from time to time. Find and fix any broken or outdated external links and update your internal links. Go back to relevant old content and add links to these new posts to create fresh content. This will help Google index your new pages faster and help your posts rank higher for relevant search queries.

10. Optimize your images

Image optimization is crucial for search engines to understand better what an image is about.

How to optimize images:

  • Image file name to be informative and accurately describe the image.
  • File size: The smaller the image size is, the better.
  • Image Alt Text: Describe what the image is about in a few words and use keywords that are relevant to the content.

Are you ready to win the SEO game?

For bonus tips and tricks on creating SEO-friendly content, check the full article SEO Copywriting Services: How to Create High-Quality Blog Content.

Copywriting and creating content is more than just writing words and counting them. Imagine it as the art of telling a story to engage the readers and the science of making it work for search engines.

When you master them both, you are on the right path to increase traffic to your website, keep existing and gain new customers, and increase revenue.

Looking for a new way of growing your marketing? If you need help analyzing and deciding which way to go, get our SEO copywriting services today! Stop wasting your time searching for the answers. Let our marketing agency find them and solve them for you.