Single Screen Cross-Platform Mobile App in 45 Minutes

  • Date Published
  • Categories Blog, Tutorial
  • Reading Time 5-Minute Read

The ability to write one app for both iOS and Android can save significant time and effort for your company and team.

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Getting Started

Dive into the React Native framework for building iOS and Android apps in a single codebase, by writing a cross-platform app using your favorite text editor. If you are familiar with object-oriented code and basic programming concepts such as variables, loops, and conditionals, you can complete this tutorial. You don’t need previous experience with mobile programming.


What You’ll Build in This Tutorial

You’ll implement a simple mobile app that queries a third-party public API and display famous quotes in a scrollable list. In building out the app, you’ll learn the following about React Native:

  • Setting up your dev environment
  • Importing files and packages
  • Making API calls
  • Showing items in a list
  • Customizing the appearance

Set up Your RN Environment

We suggest using CRNA for this project:

$ npm install -g create-react-native-app
$ create-react-native-app reciper
$ cd reciper/
$ npm start

You can run this codelab using any of the following:

  • A physical device (Android or iOS) connected via USB
  • The iOS simulator (Requires installing XCode tools.)
  • The Android emulator (Requires setup in Android Studio.)

Building the User Interface

For the sake of simplicity we only going to install one library to design the user interface, NativeBase is a free and open source UI component library, it makes it easy to customize each component.

yarn add native-base --save
npm install @expo/vector-icons --save

1- Main App Scaffold

The first element you’ll add is a simple app bar that shows a static title for the app and a footer

Replace the code in app.js with the following:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Platform, StyleSheet, View, StatusBar, FlatList, Image } from 'react-native';
import { Container, Header, Content, Footer, FooterTab, Body, Text } from 'native-base';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
  return ( 
                    App Name
                This is content
                Footer © 2018

2 – API Request

Each component has several “lifecycle methods” that you can override to run code at particular times in the process. In this app, we’re going to use componentDidMount() This method is invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree). Using ES6 class syntax add the following before render()

apiCall() {
  let url = ""
  .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((responseJson) => {
      data: responseJson,

To run this function on page load we have to wrap it inside the componentDidMount() method like so:

componentDidMount() {

Now our JSON results are stored in a variable name data To test your network request we may print it on the console by running this code:


Or you can try to display it on the View:


Learn more about state and types of data in RN Framework:

3 – Using a FlatList

Now that you have an array of quotes, authors, and categories you need a way to display them in a list in the UI. React Native provides a FlatList component that will let you show the data in a list.

Start by importing it from ‘react-native’

      keyExtractor={(item, index) =>}
      renderItem={({ item, index }) => (

keyExtractor is very important, we should implement it to avoid a warning when rendering our list view, it tells the list to use the id for the react keys instead of the default key property.

4 – Customize the Layout

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
   backgroundColor: '#680021'
  header: {
    height: 54 ,
    backgroundColor: '#000',
    flexDirection: 'row' ,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'space-between' ,
    paddingHorizontal: 25,
    marginTop: 45,
  footer: {
    backgroundColor: '#000',
    alignItems:  'center',
    justifyContent:  'center',  
  card: {
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.2)',
    paddingVertical: 12.5,
    paddingHorizontal: 12.5,
    borderRadius: 7,
    marginVertical: 5,
    marginHorizontal: 15
  quote: {
    fontSize: 18,
    color: '#fffaec',
    fontFamily: 'reg',
    marginBottom: 5
   author: {
    fontSize: 14,
    color: '#fffaec',
    fontFamily: 'light'

As you can see we are using custom fonts, to make it work copy the otf or ttf files in assets/fonts/ and then using the async function and componentWillMount() method. Async functions let you express your intent sequentially and run your code concurrently. This is a simple example for our cool app:

async componentWillMount() {
  await Expo.Font.loadAsync({
    blk: require("./assets/fonts/blk.otf"),
    reg: require("./assets/fonts/reg.otf"),
    light: require("./assets/fonts/light.otf"),
  this.setState({ loading: false });

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5 – Apply Finishing Touches

We set the state to loading to false after the function to tell RN that it’s now time to load our render() method by adding an if statement.

render() {
    if (this.state.loading) {
      return <Expo.AppLoading />;
    return (

The import statement is used to import bindings which are exported by another module:

Basic Syntax:

import _defaultExport_ from "_module-name_";

Example Used in Our App:

import Main from './src/Main';

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