Syndicode Digest #75 – New Year’s Jedi

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The most viable, useful and interesting information you will need at the beginning of 2019.

It seems, that this digest will be the last in 2018. So we tried to complete it with the most viable, useful and interesting information you will need at the beginning of 2019. We picked different technologies we were using this year and grouped them for you easy-to-find the needed one. Please, enjoy! And don’t forget to follow Syndicode’s updates in 2019. We are happy to have you with us! Now’s the time for Syndicode Digest #75 – New Year’s Jedi!


Ruby on Rails

  1. This fall the official Ruby snap became available. Snap is a package system that allows you to distribute software with its dependencies for many different Linux systems.
  2. You can improve Ruby in many different ways, but lately many programmers do it with learning functional programming. For example, you can learn Haskell to make your Ruby better.
  3. Polymorphic routing in Rails with explanations, examples, and code.
  4. Using session cookies for taking advantage of the battle-tested CSRF protection in Rails for API authentication.


  1. A lot of information had been written on JavaScript asynchronous programming. But this post really makes the difference telling you about the main pros and cons of JS async/await.
  2. Another hot topic of this year (and of the previous ones as well) is Closures in JavaScript. In this post, you will find out what JS closures are, how they work and some main terms that will help you to understand it better.
  3. Despite Vue is rising in popularity, this year React still dominates. That’s why you have to learn React.js main concepts and explore React roadmap.
  4. When we talk about React we mean Dan Abramov, and when we talk about Dan, we mean React. (Joke). However, Dan Abramov and web development are inюseparable. That is why we suggest you to read Dan’s blog he started this year.
  5. This year we wrote a lot about native apps development technologies. Today it’s time to add Vue to this topic. This post about native apps in Vue  introduces the APIs and components available in Vue native.

Functional Programming

  1. With OTP-21 came a new logging library in Erlang called logger. It comes as an attempt to offer a built-in alternative to long successful projects such as lager, which have seen years of battle testing and tweaking for performance.
  2. Meet the Phoenix Presence module that provides an API for you to register information regarding a given topic and expose that information to all of that topic’s channels. In a nutshell, it tracks the presence of users.


  1. This is an interesting material on mobile navigation that shows the results of user research to find the alternatives of a typical back button.
  2. The list of tools for UI motion design. (This could add value to our list of 18 free tools for designers). Another material will describe the steps you should take to start a motion design.
  3. Designers believe in using white space for elegance and ensuring a quality user experience. Sadly, many clients and managers consider white space as wasted space. This article,  devoted to the white space in UI design, will explain to you how wisely use white space and make this a habit while working with a design team.

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