The 9 Effective Marketing Practices Boosting Email Conversion Rate

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Email marketing is essential in every business. It does not matter whether you are a small startup firm or a massive international company with a recognized name, email conversations are essential. Setting up an email marketing strategy can be difficult and if it is not done properly with a good plan in mind, it could lead to nothing.

9 Effective Marketing Practices Boosting Email Conversion Rate HeaderOptimizing communication during slowdown is crucial, seeing that people have more time to kill. Thus, spending a decent amount of time on a proper strategy is worth much more than a rushed attempt to get the word out. Here are a couple of tips that can boost your email marketing’s success rate and encourage conversions with customers.

Do not be afraid to ask

The one thing that most email marketers do not do is ask. They feel that if their designs and ad campaign is good enough, then the customers will feel obliged to subscribe to the emails. On the other hand, when you send too many emails that never get opened, your spam status increases.

Using an opt-in application will help you set up emails that will request the customer to voluntarily give their email address. All that is needed is an existing email list and a quick setup will enable you to ask the recipients to give you their email addresses if they are interested in your products.

Getting the email list can be as easy as buying one, but when the emails that you send are left unopened, they will start to be relegated to the spam folder, which doesn’t do your campaign any good.

However, when a person has given you their email address via an opt-in service, they are more likely to open your subsequent emails. Customers get flooded with all kinds of marketing emails every day, which is why it should be your top priority for them to actually open and read your material.

The email subject line is the holy grail

As per the best essays reports, too many marketers fail to see the value in a well worded subject line. This is a major oversight seeing that it is reported that 34% of all recipients say that the subject line is the one thing that will encourage or deter them from opening the email.

The majority of people will even go as far as marking an email as spam before even opening it if the subject line is not present or well-written. Even if you have a standing subscription, the lack of a good subject line can cause a recipient to unsubscribe to the email or newsletter.

The key to any good subject line is to scratch at the curiosity of the recipient. The AIDA principle should be applied to any subject line as it serves as the part of your campaign that is supposed to attract the recipient.

If a potential client is not attracted or allured to open the email, then it would have been better not to have sent the email at all. The interest, desire and action to buy will never even begin to take hold if the subject line failed to attract the reader. Some of the best strategies to use are to appeal to the FOMO of the client and use urgency ques.

Optimizing for mobile

Many business owners are still in the mindset that people sit behind their laptops to view their emails. They do this even though they are more on their mobile devices than in front of their computers.

Recent statistics have shown that more than 55% of emails are opened on mobile devices, which means that your email has a one in two chance of being opened on a mobile device.

This is easier said than done, but when one takes into account that the display sizes of each mobile device differ from the next, arranging everything can become tricky. This does not mean that you have to design a different email for every device. Rather, finding a standard that the majority of phones and tablets will be able to open is what you are looking for.

When the general layout and images of the email are sorted, then you also need to see to it that any fillable form is optimized for mobile use. When an email does not display well on a phone, then you are looking at a serious number of people who will never read the emails.

Speak to the average Joe

Just because you are an expert in your field does not mean that everyone is. Using common industry jargon and abbreviations is a no-go and should be avoided at all costs. When you start to use jargon, you stand the chance of losing the attention of a potential new client, just because they do not understand the terminology.

The whole point of an email advert campaign is to satisfy existing clients, but also to draw new ones into the fold. This will only happen if they can understand what you want to say.

If some concepts and features can be explained in general terms and language, then you should do so. Providing examples and visual aids are one of the best strategies as this can clear up any misunderstanding or query that a person might have.

Your emails are not intended to woe your customers into buying from you, but rather to build a relationship that is built on trust, clarity and transparency. When you use jargon, it can easily be seen as being fake or compensating for a weakness in your product or service.

Do some A/B testing

It often happens that you are not sure about a course of action in terms of design and content. When this happens, a good old A/B test comes in handy to clear the air and give some finality to your decisions.

A/B testing is the practice where variations of the same template are used to determine which one is more effective. This is a strategy that should not be over-used, as it can come across as a spam campaign. Rather, it should be done over a period of time that does not seem too invasive and pushy.

The great thing about using an A/B test is that you can easily determine which template works the best by analyzing the click-through and conversion rates. It will sometimes happen that personal convictions and styles can blur a person’s objectivity, but when the numbers come in, regardless of personal feelings or styles, decisions can be made.

Everything from subject lines, call-to-action buttons, fonts and your signature can be tested to find the ultimate template that you can use for future campaigns. Apart from the content of the actual emails, the links and pages that you redirect your clients to can also be tested.

Getting the layout right

The emails that you send are not just about the content or the words that you place therein, but it includes all the elements that your customers will see when the mail is opened.

Getting the layout of the email right is critical if you are looking to boost your conversions. Luckily, you don’t have to guess as to the best layout as there have been countless studies and research done on email layouts.

When it comes to your logo, it should be placed in the upper left corner of the mail as most people instinctively look to that area to identify the brand. It often happens that designers try and mimic the layout of a web page landing page, but this is not the best approach. Placing your logo in the upper-left corner will also promote brand awareness, which is also a key aspect of conversion rates.

Next, your call-to-action buttons should be placed somewhere above the fold, as studies have shown that if it is placed too low, then it stands a chance of being missed. The CTA could also be placed in three different places to ensure maximum visibility.

Lastly, using a maximum of three typefaces is ideas as you do not want your email to seem cluttered. If you overdo the diversity in your fonts, then you are more likely to drive customers away.

Create a sales funnel or preview window

Creating a sales funnel is an effective way of building trust and encouraging conversions. In this day and age, people are becoming more skeptical about online products and services due to the number of online scams and fraudsters who lurk about. Do not impose a signup on opening the email as this is likely to scare the customers away.

Rather, when your customers are redirected to your web page, give them something for free. This could be anything from a simple guide to doing something, to a sample of a product. If you own a travel business, this sales funnel could look like an itinerary download or a free travel quote.

The point is to give the client an idea of what they will be signing up for. You want to compel them to sign up out of their own, making them feel that it was their decision and not a forced action.

Build trust be communication

People are becoming fed up with auto-generated emails that clutter their inboxes. When the design of your email is great and you can capture the attention of the customer, the hard work really begins.

Trust is essential and this is built through personalized communication. Conversion is not a one-day affair and it takes time to win a potential customer over. This is only effectively done when a client trusts you.

When a client responds to your email, the return mail should not take more than a day to send and it should not be an automated response as this will show the customer that you are not invested in them, but rather their money.

Upon that response, everything should be authentic and transparent. The easiest way to break down trust is if you cannot deliver on your promises or when you cannot provide proof of your claims. This is why the content in the initial email should be accurate and true.

Customers will be more likely to support your business if they know that they can trust you, even if it means that you have to turn them down by saying whether you cannot meet a particular deadline.

Gather useful info to personalize

Together with building trust, showing interest in your customers and investing time in finding out what their likes and dislike are equally important. People get hoards of emails every day, and they will often skip the ones that are generic and not tailored to their needs. That is why you should take the time to build a customer profile and start tailoring your emails.

If you were in the habit of sending the same email to all your clients, then it would be wise to stop and only send emails that are relevant to each individual. That does not mean that you cannot include things that are not on their radar. This can spark some new interest, but the majority of the mail should include only personalized items.

To gather info from your clients, you can either go the direct route and ask them what their interests are, or you can look at their shopping history and compile lists that will likely capture their attention. Every item that a person buys tells you a bit about them and this can be the start of homing in on creating the perfect email.


Email conversion is one of the most important aspects of any email campaign and should not be overlooked or rushed. Spending time on the correct strategies and tips to design the perfect email might seem like a tedious and cumbersome task, but it will be worth the effort in the end. The most important thing is not to expect to see results after the first email but rather to build consistency and approach the campaign as a marathon rather than a sprint.