The Benefits of Using Kotlin Over Java for Android App Development

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What are the benefits of using Kotlin over Java for Android app development? Kotlin has now overtaken Java for developing Android apps and this is why.

For a lot of years, Java was a preferred programming language for Android developers. If you know the history of Java, it is immediately known why this was the case. It is one of the oldest programming languages out there, but it was constantly updated with numerous features that made it even more efficient.

In the last couple of years, we can see the appearance of numerous other possibilities developers can choose from. Among the most popular ones, you will certainly find Kotlin. While many were uncertain about whether they should use this one, it established itself as one of the most powerful programming languages for Android development.

Kotlin has made a remarkable path over the years. Today, we can see that it is, alongside Java, the official language used for creating Android apps. As a result, more app developers are prepared to use it and experience all the benefits it can provide them with. In some elements, it is even more capable than Java.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the benefits of choosing this one instead of a traditional choice, Java.

What Do You Need to Know About Kotlin?

The best way to describe Kotlin is to say that it is a programming language that works with both JavaScript and Java Virtual Machine. So, you can use it freely, and not have any doubt that it can communicate with this programming language without any problems, which is not the case with other languages.

The developers who worked on Kotlin for years had a goal to make the coding procedure much simpler and smoother for the new generation of professionals, and we have to say that they have succeeded. Using this one is much more effective and practical than using Java, which was unthinkable just a couple of years ago.

Another thing that needs to be pointed out is that Kotlin offers you the possibility to use mixed-language projects. It means that the projects can include other languages, in this case, Java. So, you don’t need to limit yourself to using just one. You will agree that this is a great opportunity to learn more, right?

What Makes it Better Than Java?

Now that we know the basic things about this language, let’s check what makes it better than Java.

1. Compatibility with Java

We’ve mentioned that Kotlin is compatible with Java. So, we’ve decided to talk about it in greater detail. Not only that it works well with the language itself, but it can be used freely with all the frameworks and tools that come with it. You will not need to change the entire nature of your project.

Sure, some changes will need to be conducted, but you will be happy to hear that this procedure doesn’t require more than a couple of minutes of your time. We cannot find a parallel with any other option out there. It is a trait that makes Kotlin a one-of-a-kind solution, and that’s why you should use it.

2. Overcoming Challenges

If you conduct serious research about Kotlin, it will become obvious to you that this one has been made with app developers in mind. The people who created it wanted to find an easier alternative to use in the JetBrains environment. When they were unsuccessful with this task, they created Kotlin.

Since it was created with the developer’s needs in mind, nobody should be surprised why so many experienced professionals decided to use this one instead of Java. A clear example of this is being able to completely avoid null pointer exceptions, which are easily one of the most annoying things developers come across.

3. Immutability

Immutability is a term used for an object whose nature cannot be changed after it was created by a programmer. The values inserted into the object cannot be altered outside the object. It is also one of the problems most programmers have endured over time until Kotlin resolved these issues.

By using certain functions, it is possible to change all the values, which can be easily reassigned without too much effort. Plus, it is possible to take a look at, let’s say, the ingredients, of the object, without checking up on them constantly. We can all agree that this is a good way to save some time in the process.

4. Better Compiler

Having a quality compiler can resolve a lot of problems that come your way. Some of the professionals who worked on creating Kotlin say that this was one of their main intentions. The best feature of this compiler is that it doesn’t look for errors inside the code during the runtime. Instead, it is done during compile time.

At the same time, these small tests are done throughout the coding. So, you will not need to stop what you are working on and look for every single problem that has appeared on the screen. Also, resolving these smaller issues will not require the time we are used to with Java, not even close.

5. Getters and Setters

Finally, we want to touch upon the topic of getters and setters. These two functions are one of the commonest java programmers use in their work. So, they will be happy that using these has become significantly easier in Kotlin. Before it, using these two required certain effort, which wasn’t the easiest most times.

Thankfully, avoiding these is now possible. You do not need to name all the modules you need to use. Instead, you can just their names and they will pop up on the screen immediately. Not only does this end up in significantly fewer code lines, but it also makes it possible to avoid numerous pitfalls that can occur.

Summing Up

The reasons why you should use Kotlin over Java are numerous. While Java is still a preferred choice for Android app developers, we are sure most professionals will start to seek an alternative in the future. Here, we’ve disclosed all the reasons why this should happen as soon as possible, in your case.