The Data Binding Process in AngularJS

MetaDesign Solutions
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Data Binding is a model supports the connection between the business view model and the business view.

The concept of Data Binding is one of the critical components of JS. The view of an app reflects variables and logic in a model.

Each time the variable changes, the DOM of the view must be updated. Thus, data binding is one of the most powerful features of Angular, which is considered the most popular JS framework.

Let’s dive deep into the article to get familiar with the Data binding process in AngularJS.

AngularJS — an overview

An AngularJS application is a static web application framework. Using HTML as your template language lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express the application components clearly and concisely. It eliminates much of the coding process with data binding & dependency injection.

It is generally preferred over other web development frameworks by AngularJS development companies because of its advantages.

Web applications built with AngularJS are interactive, user-friendly, and perform seamlessly. Such development services are offered by companies that specialize in AngularJS development.

Data Binding — what does it mean?

Data binding is a valuable and powerful technology in software development. This model supports the connection between the business view model and the business view.

AngularJS serves as an interface for automatic synchronization between views and models. As soon as the model changes, the view changes, and vice versa.

Data Binding in AngularJS — how does it work?

After understanding the AngularJS and Data Binding concept, the question arises, what makes data binding possible?

The answer to this query is “Directive.” AngularJS uses the ng-model directive to bind input fields (such as text areas and text fields) to HTML elements.

The binding process is done through the use of an ng-model. You don’t have to write any additional code to link it with the model or the view component. One can bind the data to the HTML control by adding a few lines of code.

Data Binding process

When AngularJS is used to build web applications, it follows three types of binding procedures:

  • One-way Data Binding
  • Two-way Data Binding
  • One-time Data Binding

One-way Data Binding

One-way data-binding restricts data flow to just one direction, such as from the model to the view. A unidirectional approach is used in this method.

As soon as a model part is updated, the view part is modified as well. However, there’s no way to update the view part of the model. It’s a one-way data binding, and data cannot flow from view to model.

A property binding (value of a property that comes under the category of the one-way data binding method of AngularJS) and interpolation binding (expression taken as input and modified by HTML elements).

Example of one-way Data Binding:


<html xmlns=””>



AngularJs two Binding Example:


<script src=””></script>

<script type=”text/javascript”>

var app = angular.module(‘angulartwobindapp’, []);

App.controller(‘angulartwobindingCtrl’, function ($scope) {

$ = ‘Welcome to Our Website’;




<body ng-app=”angulartwobindapp”>


<div ng-controller=”angulartwobindingCtrl”>


Message: {{ name }}






When you view the code of one-way data binding, you’ll notice that HTML elements are not changing values in models, but model values are bound to HTML elements. For a better understanding, run the code and look at the output.


Message: Welcome to Our Website

Two-way Data Binding

AngularJS’s Two Way Data Binding lets data flow both ways. Bidirectional data binding allows data flow both ways. Instead, it occurs between a model and a view. The model part and view part are synchronized when changes are made.

AngularJS event binding, which enables components to listen to user-triggered events on the view-side, is a two-way data binding practice.

Syntax for Event Binding:

<button (click)=’updateProduct()’>



(click) is the event here. An event will always be written in brackets.


‘updateproduct()’ is the method here. A method is written just after the event. Whenever the user triggers the event, the method is called.


Example of Two-way Data Binding:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns=””>



AngularJs Two Binding Example


<script src=””></script>


<script type=”text/javascript”>

var app = angular.module(‘angulartwobindapp’, []);

app.controller(‘angulartwobindingCtrl’, function ($scope) {

$ = ‘Welcome to Our Website’;




<body ng-app=”angulartwobindapp”>

<div ng-controller=”angulartwobindingCtrl”>

Enter Name : <input type=”text” ng-model=”name” style=”width:250px” />


Entered Name: {{ name }}





The ng-model objective is defined as HTML control in the following code, and the input value is displayed using the same ng-model value.

Run the code and see what happens when you change the input control value. When you change the appearance value, the value will automatically change.


Enter Name: Welcome to Our Website.

Entered Name: Welcome to Our Website.

By building the app with AngularJS using data binding procedures with advanced AngularJS development services, clients benefit from highly readable, extensible applications by experienced developers.

Why does AngularJS work well in Single Page Applications?

There are a large number of reasons to consider using Angular JS for building single-page applications. One of the most significant reasons for its usefulness is its prompt performance in developing applications. However, it is suitable for each platform. It also offers exceptional support for the user interface, facilitating interaction with the application.

Final thoughts!

The concept of data binding is used in front-end development to help bind models with front-ends.

A reliable AngularJS development company offers many methods to bind the data, but it does so in a measurable, substantive way.

Implement the flow models to ensure the internal performance, as well as the complexity of the model.