What Are the Best Backend Technologies For Your Web App?

Async Labs
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Have a great idea for your new app? Let’s get acquainted with the most appropriate technologies of the backend.

When choosing backend technology, the most important criteria to consider are speed, reliability, and scalability.

The most common and widely used backend technologies are web programming languages Ruby, Python, PHP, and NodeJS. Each of them must be paired with the right frameworks, libraries, and runtime environments to ensure success.

At Async Labs, our primary backend technologies are PHP and NodeJS, but we are open to other backend technologies well.

Let’s take a look at popular backend development languages, see what they’re used for, and which is the best backend language.

PHP with {insert-framework-name}

PHP is a simple but powerful, dynamically typed language used for dynamic websites and minimum viable product development. With PHP, you can generate dynamic page content, collect data, send and receive cookies, write command line and server-side scripting, and desktop apps.

It can be used with different frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, Yii, or WordPress (although it is a CMS, it can be used as a framework) to speed up the development process and to create microservices and full-fledged web apps.

PHP can be used on most operating systems, from Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.

Companies using PHP: Facebook, Viber, Yahoo, Hootsuite, WordPress, Wikipedia, Buffer


Java is the world’s most popular programming language. It is highly versatile, and its use spans from smartphones to smart cards.

It is very popular with desktop and business software developers. Java backend technology can be used for (Android) mobile application development, website development, database connectivity, image processing, GUI-based programs, networking, etc.

Companies using Java: Airbnb, LinkedIn, eBay, Uber, Pinterest


JavaScript is a programming language that can be used for both the frontend and backend.

It can be used for building different types of sites and software, including websites, web servers, mobile apps, desktop applications, games, presentations, etc.

Companies using Javascript: Airbnb, eBay, Square, Asana


Node is a platform for building fast and scalable applications. It can be used for both frontend and backend.

NodeJS allows simpler handling of “parallel” requests due to its asynchronous core that allows handling of many requests while waiting for “slow” database responses.

For example, we can change the text in a paragraph by clicking a button. We can create storage variables for JavaScript and use different methods to make the page more interesting. Then we can submit a request to the backend NodeJS server that will fetch data from the database and allow us to change live page content without reloading the page itself.

Popular Apps using Node.js: Netflix, Facebook, Candy Crush


Kotlin is the most promising programming language nowadays. It is easy to understand and learn, efficient, and effective in the way it codes your applications. Kotlin ranks among the top best-loved assembly language programming options for Android.

Companies using Kotlin: Google, Amazon, Trello, Pinterest, Foursquare

Python with Django

Python is the fastest-growing programming language used for both web and desktop development. Compared to other backend languages, its syntax is simple and easy to understand.

Python allows using multiple handy frameworks. One of them is Django, a web framework that enhances software development. It speeds it up and makes it scalable and reliable. The combination of Python and Django provides you with many capabilities for creating brand-new software.

The most popular uses for Python include simple web development, quick automation, and cross-platform shell scripting.

Popular Apps: Google, Quora, Instagram, Spotify

C# and .NET

C# is a programming language, and .NET is the framework on which the language is built.

C# is a high-level, object-oriented computer language, very popular among developers. It allows developers to write independent programs and has the power of C++ (another backend language) but is easier to use.

Companies using C#: Twitch, GitHub, Telegram Messenger, MasterCard.


Ruby is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Whether you are familiar with Ruby or not, the program makes logical sense for anyone who reads it.

Most programming languages ​​are machine-focused, offering various options for managing computer resources (memory, processor, etc.). Ruby has a focus on the developer.

With Ruby, you can automate repetitive tasks, build web applications, mobile applications, and games, create prototypes, and more.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is based on the “convention over configuration” programming paradigm, which advocates reducing the number of decisions developers make without necessarily losing flexibility.

This means you can focus on your business logic and not have to worry about other things, which is crucial to iterate quickly and prototyping.

Popular Apps: Kickstarter, GitHub, Basecamp, Scribd

Before opting out for the most beneficial programming language for a particular project, follow your company’s requirements, not just industry trends.

For a more detailed insight into this subject, check our full article How to Choose the Right Backend Technology for Your App.

With Async Labs, a wealth of professional expertise is at your fingertips. Stand out in a digital world and do the best you can to exceed your business goals. Reach out to us and let us turn your brilliant idea into inspiring reality!