What Do We Have One Year After the New Async Labs Website Is Released?

Async Labs
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What results did the new website bring to us?

One year has gone by since we quietly launched our new website in October 2020. We worked on our website for four months and invested more than 1162 hours.

Our main goal was to make it better than our previous old website. And by “better”, we mean better in every possible way.

We were doing it for ourselves this time, so we had even greater pressure because we knew that our new website would represent the whole Async Labs team.

We analyzed trends, competitors, checked our capacities and started. It was challenging to find available developers and designers in your own company for the intern project, but we made it in the end.

We had three main focuses during the process of the new website launch:

  • Separate our services: Marketing vs. Development vs. Design
  • Achieve 2.5 million Impressions on Google
  • Generate more Leads

How did we separate our services?

On the market, we stand out as a software development agency whose core business is custom software development, app development, mobile iOS, and Android apps development.

With the new website launch, our goal was to clarify and separate our services: software and app development, are UX and UI design, and digital marketing.

Along with that comes a better sitemap, which is essential for SEO and makes it easy to navigate and crawl through the whole website.

On our homepage, we have a slider on which three main services are shown to website visitors. Also, every service has its subpage.

For example, a digital design service has its page. After clicking on some services from the digital design we offer (UI and UX design, graphic design), we again have a subpage of this service. This helps us a lot with SEO, advertising, and remarketing campaigns. It enables targeting people based on their activities through the website and the final location where they have landed.

We also separated Work pages by the service: Software Development, Digital Marketing, and Digital Design, depending on what we have done in each project. It is now easy to navigate for end-users and find what they are looking for.

Impressions increased by 159%

According to Google Search Console, in the last 12 months (September 2020-September 2021), we have generated 2.19M impressions on Google.

In September 2020, we had 49,900 Impressions, while in September 2021, we had 317,000 Impressions, which is an increase of 535.27%.

If we look at the previous 12 months, from September 2019 to September 2020, we had 844 000 Impressions. Compared to September 2020 — September 2021, this is an increase of 159.48%.

We are continuously and for years focusing on our SEO and writing SEO-optimized content on our website and our blog post section, which we mentioned before.

Increase in Page Views by 221.59%

In one year, we have published 32 blog articles with custom-made designs and visuals.

After we launched the new website, we achieved 153,744 page views from September 2020 to September 2021. Compared to the previous period, from September 2019 to September 2020, we achieved 47,807 Page Views, which is an increase of 221.59%.

How did we manage to achieve these numbers? We created a strong content strategy and focused on keyword research, content creation, and link buildings.

For keyword research, we use tools like Ahrefs and Ubersuggest. We check different keyword combinations and analyze Keyword Volume, Global Volume, Keyword difficulty, Paid difficulty, Competitors, Cost per Click.

Let’s take a look at our monthly traffic for content creation.

In September 2020, we had 4,342 Page Views, and one year later, we had 13,547 Page Views.

If we compare it to the previous year and previous website, our content is now level up. For each article we wrote, we prepared custom visuals like covers, infographics, illustrations, etc.

By the end of this year, our goal is to reach 2.5 million in impressions.

With all the statistics we represented in this article, do you think we will accomplish our primary goal?

Were all those results just of the new website launch? Read more in our article on what we have one year after releasing the new Async Labs website.

If you want to see how our old website looks, reach us through our contact form, and we will send it to you.