What is Marketing Automation and Will It Work For Me?

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Are you wondering if Marketing Automation is right for you? This article clarifies what it is and how it is best used.

Are you wondering if marketing automation is for you?  You may have heard many stories about how hard it is to use, or how expensive it is and it still doesn’t get results.  Is it just another form of SPAM?  You can research online all day long and be so overwhelmed you just give up, walk away and forget about it.  So, let’s start at the beginning …

What exactly is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is a way of systemizing your marketing that allows you to work effectively and efficiently with your clients and prospects.  And you can send these clients and prospects personalized content they request.  This will build and keep a very good relationship with them.  And it will help convert the prospect to leads, and leads to customers.  Once you have those customers or clients, you can regularly communicate with them and provide them with the resources and information they need.  So it won’t take all of your time trying to keep up with the steps needed to do so.

Marketing automation is necessary for today’s business climate to keep up with everything involved in marketing, as it has become so complicated and time-consuming since the internet was created.  Once your marketing automation is set up, every few months you need to look at what is working, what is not, and rework your program.  As times and people change, so must your marketing plan and setup.  This will lead to success, more free time for you to work on other projects, and ultimately more income for you!

Nurturing your prospects takes time, and automation helps make this happen.  It puts your marketing plan on autopilot from beginning to end.  It doesn’t encompass just email campaigns, but also blogging, social media, and free downloads to prospects.  Therefore turning them into customers, and more.  Automation helps organize everything, making sure it is done in a timely manner and in the correct order, with no leads dropped.  But before all this perfect plan is in place, you need to get it set up.

Where Should I Use Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation will guide your potential customers to your website, your social media, and emails.  You will be able to get new leads, convert existing leads, and gain customers.  You will also be able to view, measure and analyze all automation results.

Keeping in touch regularly with your existing clients/customers is another area you need to set up for your business.  Sending new product information, useful hints for your program or business, asking for referrals or reviews.  There are many ways to use a marketing automation platform.

To Recap

If set up properly with high-quality front-end work, your Marketing Automation can work wonders for you, your business, and your bottom line.

Make sure you are completely familiar with the process or find someone who has that experience and save yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches!  Not all marketing strategies work for everyone so it is not a “cookie-cutter” setup. It is not a replacement for everything in your operations.  It is a big piece of the puzzle that will set you apart from your competition and create a bigger bottom line for your business.

Feel free to send us your questions at AUTOMIZE, or contact us with further questions.  We offer a free consultation to see if Marketing Automation is right for your business.

Originally published here