Why Use Node.js for Web Development?

Async Labs
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Node.js is nowadays so popular in backend development that some of the most prominent players already use it.

JavaScript language is one of the most popular languages in the last decade. It is one of the most used programming languages worldwide, thanks to Node.js, which is very popular in backend development.

According to SimilarTech, 17.472 websites and well-known companies have Node.js on their backend.

What is Node.js used for?

Node.js is a platform for building scalable and fast applications, developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009.

Node.js is a super-fast, high-performance and lightweight web environment ideal for asynchronous programming. It helps you execute multiple actions simultaneously, which makes Node.js so appealing for business usage.

It is used to achieve the best performance in the following:

Real-time apps, where Node.js ensures excellent performance and speed (for example chat, short messages)

API (for instance, the LinkedIn app talks to the platform’s API and databases)

Collaborative tools (such as Trello)

Data streaming applications (video and audio applications like Netflix)

Applications relying on scalability (for example, Uber chose Node.js for its app).

Why choose Node.js for your next software project?

Many significant benefits are coming with Node.js. Since Node.js is a significant development environment, it will most surely increase your app’s performance and reliability.

Here are the essential benefits that Node.js can bring to your business and software development:

Open-source NPM repository — more than 60 thousand available modules helping you find a solution for a specific problem

Scalable systems — you can scale your system horizontally and vertically with more ease

Suitable for microservices — companies will choose Node.js when they want to move to microservices

Single programming language — the language used on the frontend is JavaScript. Additionally, it can be used on the backend as well

Non-blocking I/O paradigm — improved efficiency by handling many simultaneous connections

Reusable code — JavaScript helps to share code parts between different components in your system easily

Time to market — Node.js saves time and money and helps you in fast delivering of a minimum viable product (MVP)

Tested on production — many big players checked how Node.js worked on the production, and thanks to excellent results, they decided to move to Node.js

At the moment, Node.js is the best platform for developing real-time applications that rely on I/O operations, such as live streaming, collaborative editing services, chat servers, etc.

For more details and information on this subject, read the blog post about Node.js in web development.