Why Your Website Not Showing on Google Search Results?

Maps Of Arabia
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Almost 90% of internet pages get zero Traffic, Google which sends 60% of the internet traffic only shows high-quality pages

Almost 90% of internet pages get zero traffic, Google which sends 60% of the internet traffic only shows high-quality pages on the results page, while there are more than 200 ranking factors for Google to favor a webpage, here is the most common reasons why Google Hates your website.

Now it’s not that Google actually hates websites, but that’s exactly how it feels for websites that get no traffic from search, their brand is not visible for people searching for their business.


Usually, most of the issues we came across were self-infected, there is a lot of pieces to move as a webmaster, and it’s OK not to optimize your website 100% that might backfire and gets you a Google penalty!

Similarly, most of the fixes are pretty easy, and you should be able to fix them without bringing an SEO professional.

1. Website Loading Speed – Core Web Vitals

Since March 2009, Google has been stressing out the importance of site speed, even offering free website builder for Google Maps listings, and despite its lack of features, it’s still better than websites that take 40 sec to load!


Your website is not supposed to load amazingly fast, but at least fast enough from a user experience standpoint, it will also improve conversion and time spent on site, focusing on mobile first, and in some markets it’s mobile ONLY!


Last year, Google announced that it will include Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor in their ranking algorithm, starting from March 2021, this means Google will also de-index slow performing pages, and websites that are not mobile friendly.


Now we are not claiming that Website speed is the silver bullet that will rank your first on Google, but it’s an 10% booster, check your site speed with different tools to get better understanding of the elements slowing your website, we prefer Google’s own PageSpeed insights, here is our results if you can find a faster website


2. Website Security

Cybersecurity is a major concern for Search Engines and users alike, while few searchers might notice security issues, Google, on the other hand, crawls your website and compare it to other websites in your business niche, and it’s reasonable that it favors secured content.


Installing an SSL certificate on your server, and using the HTTPS URLs will get you so far, specially that most websites in the MENA region are not secured, this will give you the initial boost over competitors.


Another easy step would be using 2-step verification method on your emails and back-end server files, shutting off HTTP if you are not using it, and regularly checking your webpages for external unauthorized links, or bring a security professional to secure your website further.


Keep in mind, no website is fully secured against hackers and malicious attacks, specially WordPress websites, but the point is to secure your website enough, so it takes a lot of work to hack it, therefore they will move to another easier target.

3. Website Structure – Content Silos

We describe SEO’s job as the architect, you can’t bring him after the building of your home, it’s costly and ineffective, SEO layers should be considered from the beginning and all the way through developing and producing content and building pages.


After setting up the technical base, your website structure should make sense for users and Search Engines alike, what is in relation to what and why.


For example, Digital SLR cameras on an E-commerce website, should fall under the section cameras, category Canon, SLR cameras.


Content siloing consists of a main Pillar page, that smaller content cluster link to it, with smart internal linking you can strengthen pages that you care about to rank higher in search results, and increase page views per visitor by offering relevant content that they are interested enough to click and navigate.


This will also affect Core Web Vitals in an indirect way, as users engage and convert will send Google User generated signals that this website is valuable enough for their time, UX is expected to be the new back-links of the future.


If Google doesn’t understand your pages, this might be a good indicator on why google hates it!


4. Low Authority, Power, Trust

Before we start, we don’t believe in Domain Authority – it’s a term that MOZ invented – to describe what they think Google considers, and it became more over of a marketing term bloggers use to sell their links.


Google look at the internet page by page, there is no power for the domain itself, let Forbes create an orphan page that it’s not linked to any other, and test DA for that, ZERO!

However, there is indeed Page Authority, Trust Flow, Domain Score or whatever term you prefer to describe the overall ranking of ability of a page, by how many strong links are pointing to it.


Therefore, if no website is linking to your website, your website will not rank, despite producing great content, it’s reality despite what google claims.


Also, you don’t need thousands back-links to rank, you can win with very few back-links for Arabic content, at least make it a habit to link internally, again it’s reasonable why google hates a website that it cannot discover through internal linking.


5. New Website, Sand-Boxed

If you just launched your website, and you don’t see it on search results, this doesn’t mean Google hates your website! It’s just fresh and does not know (indexed) it yet.

Estimately it takes 2-3 months for a new domain to appear in search, Google will crawl it if there is other webpages linking to it, then it will take some time to index it within it’s directory of pages, few days to understand what the website is all about, and compare to other webpages with similar content to give it a final score.


In short, if your website is new, just wait, create more content, optimize URLs as it’s a pain in the neck to update it after getting indexed, build foundational citations, and soon it will appear in search, Chill.


Here is our beginnings, it took 2 months to rank for SEO Agency Amman:


6. Robots TXT, Site Crawlabitly, Indexablity Issues

Those are the most self inflected issues to why google hates your website, if you are not attaching a robots text file with commands for Google bots – crawlers, web-spiders –  to feel free and access your webpages, it might not!


We don’t believe you should block any type of  robots from crawling your site, even Ahrefs and other SEO tools! By doing so, you are sending the wrong signal that you might be doing something shady.


Check your coverage from Google Search Console regularly, check which pages are not being indexed or crawled, usually it’s mobile friendliness issues, 404 pages with no redirects, canonicalization issues, text too small or the site have security issues, all are enough reasons for why google hates your website.


7. You Are a Victim of a Negative SEO Attack

It’s not common, but if all the above is not the reason, nor that your competitors are ranking above you fairly, then Negative SEO  is possible.


There is no formula to protect your website against a dedicated attack, if you notice irrelevant links from low authoritative websites and you disavow it, that means some is intentionally trying to hurt your rankings, connect with our team to help you assess the issue accurately, and protect your website as possible.


There Is No Valid Reason Why Google Hates a Website

After-all, Google Algorithms evaluate web pages and give it a score,  it doesn’t hate website but depending on the competition the majority will rank beyond first page, connect with our team to assess why Google hates your website and help you with the SEO heavy lifting.