A Banking Document Management System

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A fully-customized banking DMS, which is connected with other systems to automate all the key processes within document storage and management

About the Project

This is a document management system (DMS) that speeds up all the key processes in banking: document creation, circulation, management, control, and processing. Integration with other banking systems (card-issuing systems, payment gateways, etc.) enhances operational efficiency and security.

The bank had issues with storing and managing documents safely. There were problems with conducting financial transactions and other banking operations quickly. All official documents, reports, invoices, and receipts were processed manually, which caused delays in auditing, accounting, and other banking processes.

Our key goal was to develop an effective system that could allow all the specific document management processes to be gone through safely and quickly, thus reducing paperwork significantly.

Our Solution

Our team was involved in the back-end development of an effective system that allowed the bank to store, manage, and track documents safely. This DMS combines document capture, workflow, repository, and information retrieval and processing systems. It also provides access control, centralized storage, audit trails, and streamlined search and retrieval.

Key Features

Document Security through Access Control

An ACL-based security model ensures that users at each level of the organization have access to all permitted system files, processes, and programs.

Centralized Storage of All Documents

A centralized system improves the cross-referencing of information to make collaboration between various departments easier.

Transparent Audit Trails

Audit trails help with overseeing the entire chain of events: user/admin or automated system activities, login attempts, and access to data.

Fast Document Processing

Automatic processing of documents and their data allows banking operations to be completed faster and with less paperwork.

Unlimited Version History

The version control system allows users to make unlimited corrections to documents and access any previous version of a file to compare data.