How Online Reviews Helped Our Clients Reach #1 Google Maps Rankings

The Marketing Garage
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Map of Toronto

After launching a program to increase online reviews for two clients they saw their Google Maps listings move to the #1 position.

Case Overview:

Using our Rave About Me™ online review program, a campaign was launched to obtain more online customer reviews for a financial services provider and a multi-location self storage business. As their reviews increased on Google Maps, most of their map rankings went to the #1 position, website organic traffic reached new historical highs, and their Google Maps listings were clicked on 20% more frequently.

The Problem:

Most locations for both clients had very few online reviews or no reviews at all. As 61% of people rely on user reviews before making a buying decision, it meant that potential customers were more inclined to do business with their competitors who had numerous online reviews.

Not only were these clients losing potential business due to their lack of reviews, several of their location’s map listings were either showing up very low on Google Map search results or not at all. This is because reviews actually influence up to 10% of the ranking on local searches.

The Fix:

Using our Rave About Me™ online review program our clients sent personalized emails to their current customers with a link to leave a review on a specific location’s Google Maps listing. Both clients also handed out review cards at their retail locations.

The Results:

Several locations reached the number one spot in Google Maps search results.

Organic website traffic (clicks from search engines) reached new highs and continued to show an increasing trend since their review boosting strategy was implemented.


Check out our full case study below to see additional tactics and results from increasing online reviews.