OPENS Website Redesign and Rebranding

Homepage ltd logo of teal speech box
Homepage ltd
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Through animated visuals and responsive illustrations, we’ve managed to create a youth-optimized website.

About the Project

OPENS is a group of youth organizations from Novi Sad, Serbia, which was formed once the city got a title of European Youth Capital for 2019.  Since the internet is first on the list for information gathering for most young people we had a task to design a website targeting this audience. The biggest challenge was to deliver all the important information to the website’s visitors and to visually define OPENS’ mission and pillars.


Through animated visuals and responsive illustrations, we’ve managed to create a youth-optimized website. What we’ve taken to the highest consideration is UX and UI because of the specific website audience.

OPENS has a big team of people with different roles and important responsibilities. Using our studio knowledge, combined with animation and scripted poses and props, we’ve managed to depict each of their positions in a unique manner.

Last, but far from least, was mobile optimization. As most of the young people access the internet through their smartphones we had to offer them a quick and visually attractive website. Using the same technique as for the main website we got a fast, responsive, and easy-to-coordinate mobile web presence.