First, Have a Strategy, Then Communicate Your Brand!

Total Idea
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Brand communication must result in a conversion, sale or further communication. That’s why you need a strategy.

Imagine going to a very important meeting. Did you prepare? Did you do research and make a plan? Did you make a strategy of steps you may follow or at least topics you need to mention?

We guess the answer to all of these questions is YES. Why is it like that? Because a meeting without research, planning and strategy is more like having coffee with a friend. You relax and jump from one topic to another, not bothering about the result.

Why is this important for brand communication? Because brand communication must result in a conversion, sale or further discussion. That is why you need a brand communications strategy.

A good brand communications strategy should follow these steps:

1. Audience

A communication strategy is not possible without in-depth knowledge of your audience. Imagine that your client is like the dinner guest that turns out to be vegan… and you prepared meat. A misunderstanding like this may unintentionally cause offense. It pays to do your research.

The best way to gather this information is to build your ideal client biography and prepare for the meeting. You have to know how to communicate with your audience the way they love your brand. After starting a conversation it is as important to listen to what they say back to you.

2. Plan

It is clear by now that your brand communication needs a plan, but what does it look like? When making a plan, a good strategy is to ask the following questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What message do you want to deliver?
  • How will your brand communicate with its audience?

After you answer these questions you have the core values and principles of your brand, and from here you may go further. You may make weekly, monthly and yearly plans or have a specific plan for every project and client considering all the parameters.

A strategic brand communications plan is an integral part of any branding plan. Integrating a strategic plan into your marketing assures that you are reaching the right audience at the right time to drive the best results.

3. Two-way communication

This is an essential communication in the business world. This means you transmit your message from sender to receiver. When the receiver gets the message, acknowledge the message was received. Both sides are part of communication.

When communicating with your brand you start the conversation with content which is not just informative, but it is helpful, driven by emotions and makes your audience want to answer your question. Also, you need to be there for your audience, answer all questions, like comments and share experience and story. Let them feel like you are a friend and can help with the problem they have, as all friends do.

4. Useful and unique

Every communication needs a good topic. Search for it around the problem your audience has. Nobody wants to talk about things they are not interested in and people are most interested in problems they are trying to find solutions for.

In marketing that means you need great content. Not just being focused on the quantity, but creating quality content which is engaging. Be unique, creative, useful and above all don’t talk about topics you like, create content your audience needs.

5. Formal or friendly

For a formal dinner, you wear a suit and in the gym, you have sports clothing. Is your brand formal or more sporty? Define your tone, will you be formal or informal, friendly or just informative.

Authentic communication is always in demand. It is also something you build through time and you may change according to the needs of the customers. One thing is essential, always to be open to feedback and critic, either positive or negative.

You may build your brand communication strategy on your own, but you may also hire an agency and get professional help. Feel free to ask Total Idea if you have questions, ask for our suggestions and offer and we will be glad to answer.