How Useful Is Content Marketing for Arabic Websites?

Maps Of Arabia
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  • Reading Time 6-Minute Read

Arabic Content Marketing has been rising slowly over the past few years, Buzzfeed content strategy proved to be effective

Arabic Content Marketing has been rising slowly over the past few years, Buzzfeed content strategy proved to be effective for building a brand and expand its reach as a brand by covering many topics that were not found elsewhere on the internet.

So is content Marketing for Arabic websites really useful? Arabic content is still catching up with the rest of the internet, which gives Arabic Digital Marketers and Business owners the chance to assess global digital trends carefully before investing in the trend, will do our best to answer the most frequent Content Marketing question in the post, stay tuned.

Table of Contents

Content Marketing in a Nutshell

Content Marketing is a discipline of Digital Marketing, if done right, it’s relatively much cheaper than most marketing methods, as the majority of search queries are informational, after customers consider a product or service, they will search for more information about to make a decision.

As there few Arabic Content Marketers producing content to answer such queries, the competition is still not matured and there is a good chance of answering your customer’s questions and gaining brand awareness, showing trustworthiness and gaining authority in your niche.

Content Marketing was all about text content and blogs, the discipline is evolving to all types of format, Image, Video, Infographics, Cheatsheet and long podcasts, but the majority of the internet over 70% is still blog posts and customers demand a well-rounded piece of content that cover’s the topic in detail from all angles.

How Does Arabic Content Marketing Support Digital Marketing?

Content Marketing is one layer of your Digital Marketing Strategy, if your website technical SEO is done right, your social fortress is set properly and gaining eyeballs and awareness of your brand, then your Arabic Content Marketing strategy will aid your whole marketing campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization has evolved from links only, to Content as the king and links its queen, but if you don’t have content there is nothing to optimize for! Also, there is no point in creating content and marketing it through Digital Channels, if your final offering is not appealing.

But, if all is set right, and then you focus on content marketing as a sales-driving channel, then success is guaranteed, however; Content Marketing is similar to Organic Search Engine Optimization as its a long-term investment, you cannot expect your content to reach a wide audience within the first 3 months, so if your working on quarterly goals then Paid Search Ads is the way to go, you can rent your top rankings as long as you can afford it.

Plus, producing content without distributing it properly within the right channel is pointless, consider, LinkedIn, Mashable, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube for your videos.

How to Measure Content Marketing for Arabic Websites?

Short answer, YOU CANT! The founder of Unilever once said “I know that half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. My only problem is that I don’t know which half.”

However, Digital Marketing spends are more measurable than traditional marketing, in order to do that you need to set clear goals for your Arabic content marketing campaigns, Ranking & Traffic are some of the most used measures for assessing the overall performance, but just like social media, likes and follows are not a viable metric to evaluate your business, it probably has no impact on your sales unless you funnel the traffic efficiently to convert and make purchases.

In Content Marketing for Arabic websites, it is pointless to count on cold traffic by itself, you might be answering customers questions without guiding them or even displaying that you actually offer that product or service, as you proceed with your content marketing campaigns, keep measuring Traffic, Ranking and offering, to ensure a smooth customer journey to your online store.

How Can Arabic Content Marketing Help Increase Sales?

Consider Social Media Marketing as handing brochures directly to your customers, you may print thousands but only a few will end up with the right customers who are considering what you offer.

Content Marketing for Arabic websites would be like waiting for the right customers to look for your offering, then appearing on top to catch his attention that your business is the right destination to complete the purchase, it’s more like having your sales staff guiding and explaining your offer to your customers all the time, and even before they consider it, they are already familiar with your brand as it fulfilled their need by delivering the right answers to them.

How Much Does Content Marketing for Arabic Websites Cost?

Web content or text content is usually the cheapest, as their plenty of great content writers around globally who are competing to win new clients, video content costs more and multi-format if done properly would be the most expensive.

But to start producing content you don’t need a budget, that’s the point of Organic Advertising you are using the internet to make your business famous, you can start producing content your self as you are the expert in your domain, consider using Content Tools like Surfer Editor to optimize your content, so it’s appealing for Search Engines and users alike, ideally, content On-site should be optimized depending on your business niche and competition.

It’s considered a best practice to check the terms you want to rank for, see who is already winning, and create a better version of the content, whether its longer, more in-depth, have more pleasant artwork or fulfil the searcher’s intent by answering their queries directly and more sufficiently, it’s called the Skyscraper method.

How Did We Become Arabic Content Marketing Experts?

Shortly, by creating great content according to Google Guidelines and ranking for “Content marketing for Arabic websites” we can claim that we are the experts.

How? It takes years and academic experience to master the Arabic language, Google’s Natural Processing tool is not yet sufficient to understand Arabic fully, slightly less than 50% of the language is understood in 2021 automatically, therefore, the competition is yet very low.

Arabic content is only 1.1 per cent of the top 10 million websites using the language despite the fact that it is spoken by 3.5 per cent of the world’s population.