So, Which CMS Do You Want?

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Before you start shopping around to see which features of the wide array of Content Management Systems (CMS) you like, you should first look internally.

Before you start looking outwards and shopping around to see which features of the wide array of Content Management Systems (CMS) you like, you should first look internally.

We’ll be straight with you – the bad news is there is no perfect CMS; there is no easy answer that can be quickly Googled.

However, the good news is that there’s almost certainly a CMS which is the best for you. But in order to find that ideal application, you should first look at what you need a CMS to do for your organization. Only once you’ve identified your needs, both just now and for the future, can you start to look at candidate vendors with any surety about what your requirements are.

We’ve put together a couple of documents for you which should help with taking your CMS evaluation project from inception to completion.

The first document, the CMS Assessment Document, supports your needs for requirements evaluation and aids you in asking necessary questions through 3 key stages: DefinitionAssessment and Implementation.

The second document is a CMS Features Matrix which is an internal document that should be used to help you define what elements of a CMS are important to your organization. This should be used to help when running through a side-by-side comparison of candidate vendor systems.

The features matrix should help provide a framework that can be customized to fit your organizational requirements.