Understanding Logo Briefs and the Logo Itself

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If you do not plan to take an active part or cannot do this due to your ignorance in the preparation of technical tasks for the executive staff, then you will have to cooperate with other people. This applies to people who are just starting their business, and to those who have been doing business for several years.

Some of these people may have already worked with logo design and can complete the design assignment. However, in most cases, they are not familiar with the business logo development process, so your job will be to guide and train along this path, which also includes help with preparing a brief description of the logo design.

What Is a Business Logo?

First of all, you need to understand the very concept of the logo, what it is, and what its purpose is. Quotations from Paul Rand’s book “Design of Form and Chaos” respond best to these questions. It is useful to understand this thesis not only to designers but also to customers, which greatly facilitates the work process and makes it more efficient.

  • The business logo is a tool of pride and should be shown in the best possible way.
  • The logo does not sell (directly), it identifies.
  • A logo rarely depicts the essence of a business.
  • A logo derives its value from the quality of what it symbolizes, and not vice versa.
  • A logo is less important than the product that it designates, and what it is is more important than what it looks like.
  • A logo can be made for anything.
  • The principal role of the logo is to identify, and simplification is its main means for this.
  • The design, complicated, obscure and overloaded with excessive details, has a self-destruction mechanism. No literal illustration can recreate what people think. This will only make identification difficult, and the “message” of the logo will be unclear.
  • The logo, first of all, says who, not what, and this is its function.

What Is a Logo Brief?

A brief on a logo is a document containing a set of instructions that set out wishes for creating a project. There is no specific way to write a brief description of the project, but they will always pursue the same goal – to make a list of goals and objectives.

Before you can create a brief description of the design, you need to get a good idea of ​​the business, its competitors and the audience. You do this by asking questions.

What Are the Terms of Reference?

Your ultimate goal is to fully understand the business or product and its target audience so that you understand in detail why you are developing a business logo and why. Sometimes the answers provided may mean that you need to ask other questions. The following discussion should solve this problem. Some business owners may give very little information at this stage due to time constraints or general uncertainty.

What Tasks Should Design Solve?

Graphic design solves visual communication problems. It can be used both as a way of informing and as a way of pressure and inducing people to buy something. As a result, people spend money on things that they don’t need.

Justification of the Name

If the logo designers have created something new for the client, he must explain the business logo they have chosen to the client. The main reason for creating a logo should be communicated to the client. It is necessary to explain the use of forms, colors, etc. It is necessary to explain the relationship between the logo and the business. The whole thought process after the development of the logo should be well explained to the client.

Where Will the Logo Most Often Be Seen?

Creating a business logo design also depends on where the company logo will be placed – on souvenirs, on the street, on TV and so on. Since the visual impact on people, designers also do not cancel in their work. For example, a signboard is suitable for a cafe, the top line for a site, and so on. Do not forget that the logo is the key to your successful business. If you need to promote a product, you need to give it a special place in the logo.

Has the Design Been Developed for the Project Before?

If the design of your business logo was developed earlier, then it can be taken as a basis. Therefore, it is best to keep all the design developments for your business – they will come in handy someday.

Understanding the Purpose of Designing a Company Logo

A logo is not just a pretty form that companies use everywhere. The logo performs the function – represents the values ​​of the business, attracts the desired audience and competes for attention in a huge market. It is important to understand the goals of the business to develop a design solution that will work, and ultimately lead the company to success.

Research and Understanding of the Company/Brand

This may be obvious, but you need to know what the company does and why it does it. Examine her story, the products or services that she provides, the problems than she solves. Try to understand the values ​​of the company. What message is she trying to convey to her target audience, what kind of sensations the brand should evoke in them when interacting.

Study the Target Audience

Some companies can accurately describe their target audience, while small firms, as a rule, are not sure about this issue and simply call them “everyone”. In this situation, you can ask the client to describe the ideal buyer in their opinion.

You need to know the demographics of the audience: their age, gender, place of residence, income, lifestyle, behavior, etc. Try to understand their needs and problems that they experience when they buy products or seek services from the company for which you are hiring logo designers.

Understanding Where and How the Business Logo Will Be Used

You can make several assumptions as to where the logo will be used: on the site, on social networks, on business cards and letterhead, on the store’s signboard, etc. However, sometimes non-standard technical requirements are possible, so this issue should be clarified with the client in advance.

It Is Important to Know When and Why to Redesign a Business Logo

The obvious reason for the redesign is that the business logo looks unprofessional, old or poor quality. This happens when the client, to avoid unnecessary expenses, developed the logo designer himself, turned to an inexperienced novice designer or used an online logo generator. Another reason for logo redesign (even of high quality and well-recognized) is a change in business.

Do Not Confuse the Concept of Business Logo and Brand

Many people, including designers, call the logo a brand, but this is not correct. A logo is only a symbol, an identifier. Others often claim that a brand is a business logo in conjunction with other visual elements, including signs, literature, and a website. However, this is also not true. These are elements of corporate identity, which are developed for the company to broadcast its mission, vision, and values ​​of the target audience.