BelVEB | Landing page

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Landing page for promoting new cards provided by BelVEB bank.

BelVEB Bank promotes 3 types of cards for different categories of customers. It’s necessary to showcase the opportunities of each card, compare them and lead the user to the action – ordering a call or booking an appointment in the office to receive the card.


To create a one-page landing to promote travel-cards of BelVEB.

Working Stages

  • Development of prototypes
  • Design creation
  • Markup
  • Testing and bugfix
  • Filling the website with the content
  • Launch


Is completed using the corporate style of the bank, however, brand colors are used only as accents and the general look is very clean. Such a solution helps to emphasize the main product – variously designed cards.

In the first screen, there’s a promo section with the list of the most significant advantages available for customers.

Next is the section with cards visualization and description. Users are able to compare the amount of cash-back for each card using the calculator.

Partners section includes the information about bonuses provided to the cardholders.

The advantages which don’t depend on the type of the card and available for everyone having a travel-card are placed into the next block.

In the bottom section, users can start ordering the card.